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Hi my husband had the 60 year poo screening was really well didnt look ill in any way Oct 21 but within 8 days he had to go for a colonoscopy unfortunately he had a 21cm tumour in his bowel after surgery chemo and colostomy reversal he was given all clear 12 weeks later he was told it was back growing over his back passage covering bum and that Was an emergency surgery with stoma put back then radiotherapy to reduce for perhaps another surgery but unable to has has cancer in pelvic

bone now on regorafanib but was told it wont work i was watching super surgeons and a Mr Rassed does a special surgery was told ny pallative care my husband wont be able to have it on NHS as he has secondarys so would have to go private devasted ok money cant bring you health they say but actual you can get more treatments if your rich  

  • Hi  

    I am not familiar with that surgeon but will look it up .

    The NHS does work on a cost effective bases and my friend was able to access more privately so I do feel your pain .

    Macmillan helpline staff would be happy to chat this through with you .

    0808 808 0000

    Bowel cancer U.K. has a stage 4 section you could ask what others are doing in this situation ?

    Is there any clinical trials available?


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000