Feeling rough

  • 3 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi all. Had bowel cancer surgery three weeks ago xx thought I was doing ok xx was walking a bit and doing ok, but I feel like I’ve been run over with a combine harvester. No energy. Could hardly dry my own hair this morning. Is this normal?

  • Hi Jinty

    Your body is sending you a message, ease off for a while, I had an Anterior Resection... Major surgery....took 6 weeks to reach half speed... back to work on light duties after  9 weeks....

    Try to do too much too soon and we hit a brick wall... been there.


  • Thank you Peter for your prompt reply. Think I am just far too impatient for my own good. Good luck on your recovery.

  • Hi, just had a resection on Thursday,  stomach very swollen. Obviously very sore. Worried is this normal?

    II would be grateful for any info.
