CT/MRI clear but still puzzled

  • 13 replies
  • 131 subscribers

Good morning,

I have a number of different exploratory tests going on at the moment to try and get to the bottom of my health issues. Any advice, shared experience would be gratefully received.

One possibility is that I may have bowel or stomach cancer.

From testing so far (mainly for other ailments) I have had a negative FIT test, clear CT abdomen/pelvis and clear MRI Pelvis (for other ailments) but diarrhoea, floating stools, intermittent bleeding, tummy and back pain, severe fatigue, low ferritin. Could both CT and MRI miss this particularly as whatever it is is likely advanced?

thanks in advance


  • HantsHog

    High tech scans are all very well but you don't mention a colonoscopy, which often gives a clearer picture of the rectum and large intestine and can reveal other non-cancerous conditions that might be causing the problems.


  • Hi  Have you had a colonoscopy too? I don't know if things like diverticulitis, colitis etc. would be picked up in a scan or not? From a bowel cancer point of view the CT and MRI would pick up any tumours in the bowel and any spread to other organs so I think that base sounds to have been covered.

    As I’m not medically trained you could maybe post this in the Ask a Nurse section for their opinion

     Ask a Nurse 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hello Dulac,

    thank you for your speedy reply. I haven’t as yet. I am going to see a gastro specialist this week so will seek their advice. I was unsure that since I have already had CT abdomen and MRI pelvis if this would already have ruled out the possibility of bowel/stomach cancer.

    many thanks

  • Good morning Karen,

    many thanks for sharing. it is the cancer I am concerned about. I am seeing a gastro specialist this week but as mentioned to Dulac just now I wonder if I need to if I’ve already had CT abdomen and MRI Pelvis.

    tricky to know where to go next!

    thanks again


  • Hi again  

    We’ve spoken before in the cervical group, but I’m hoping cervical cancer has been ruled out as you are no longer a member there?

    I notice that you are using the words “likely advanced” once again in your post as you did in the cervical group. Has it been suggested to you that you may have bowel or stomach cancer? What would make you assume any cancer would be advanced without any diagnosis? 

    It would be standard as others have said to be referred for a colonoscopy which will give a good picture of your bowel. I have had many pelvic mri and Ct scans, and these looked at the bowel, so if yours are clear it would suggest there was no sign of cancer. You have also had a negative FIT test, although that is only looking for blood in your stool.

    I’m sure if the gastro specialist suspects cancer you will be referred to have a colonoscopy and perhaps an endoscopy. I hope your appointment gives you some reassurance.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah and thanks for remembering!

    yes - cervical ruled out which of course has been a huge relief. The GP has however now referred me to gastro now given the severe pains in stomach, back etc. (same place as before).

    I am so weak now. Getting progressively worse. I’m not sure if I had mentioned previously but this all began with a pain in my neck/shoulder which I still wonder if is a spread. It is now radiating to my head with very weak arms and legs.

    I have weight loss. V bad reflux and other odd symptoms.

    i am hoping from all of the recent scans that this would have shown but wanted to seek advice whilst I await appointment.

    Thanks again and wishing you well.


  • Hi Natalie

    I’m glad cervical cancer has been ruled out for you. Yes, you did mention the shoulder and neck pain and that you’d had a clear chest X-ray and various clear scans of different areas. 

    I can understand that you feel more tests are required based on your symptoms, but it seems like you’re jumping to bowel or stomach cancer based on these symptoms when they could very easily relate to non cancerous conditions. Your anxiety levels too might be having an impact on your physical symptoms. I think it’s sad that you are imagining spread of an advanced cancer without a diagnosis. 

    Do you think if you were referred for a colonoscopy and it comes back clear that you would be able to move forward? 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,

    I am honestly at a complete loss. It’s very difficult when the pain has gradually got worse to the point I am not able to do many of my usual activities now due to severe tiredness.

    I think I am very conscious of cancer given the pain and sheer weakness I am experiencing which I guess may sound like I’ve jumped 100 steps ahead but nothing else has been suggested or being looked into. I do very much feel like I am leading the investigations rather than the other way round.

  • It must be horrible to have so many symptoms and no explanations so far. I think you’ve been very fortunate at this point in having so many tests and scans carried out  in an attempt to get to the bottom of what’s wrong, but it’s important that no cancer of any sort has been found so far, which is a positive thing!

    Some conditions are very hard to diagnose, like fibromyalgia for example which can cause pain and tiredness, but specialists adhere to specific guidelines when symptoms are reported and typically will instruct relevant tests relating to those symptoms. It does seem like you are assuming you have some sort of cancer from your symptoms, but that may well not be the case. I’m sure if the gastro specialists thinks other tests are warranted, they will organise them for you, and hopefully there will be an answer which is less serious than cancer. You assumed you had advanced cervical cancer, but you didn’t, and it may be the same for your bowel and stomach concerns. I do hope you can get the reassurance you need. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • You always talk so much sense Sarah - thank you for your kind words.

    we are hoping to get away next week albeit with a rattling case of meds but hoping it will at least aid my mental health.

    Thanks again x