
  • 2 replies
  • 129 subscribers

My dad has terminal bowel cancer, he has 3 tumours,  he's had 4 sessions of chemo then had a scan.

The results were 1 has shrunk 1 has stayed the same and the other has grew.

I've been asking him for weeks when his next chemo starts, he keeps telling me there giving him a 3 month break, which I find hard to believe if there is 1 tumour that has grew.

Do you think he's refused chemo and isn't telling me 

  • Hi. Chemo takes it toll and the medics will stop and restart chemotherapy as necessary. However, curative and palliative chemo serve different purposes so the break may be warranted. But the only person who can really answer your question is your Dad.

    Hope you can find a way to the answer.


  • Hi  

    My mum is a stage 4 patient and has been for 15 years . I totally agree with  . My mum’s team have given her rest periods too . 
    One thing I do find with oncologist they also look at size and location . Do you know the size of the growth ? . They can measure in mm at times so they may feel it’s still within acceptable limits . They do normally discuss this aspect with the patient so your dad may well know if they feel everything is still acceptable for a break. 
    They watched my mum for three months . Rescanned then said it was time to recommence treatment. It was still growing at that point in time but was picking up pace so back to treatment she went .

    The breaks did her good as she got her strength back .

    But it’s a hard process to understand. Would your dad be up for you going to an appointment with him ? I found it quite helpful as it meant I could go back over aspects mum had not picked up in later in the week .

    Take care and I wish your dad every success.


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