POLARiS Study Update - Surgery!

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  • 129 subscribers

Hi all!

Those following my adventures in all things bowel cancer related will be aware that I contracted Low Anterior Resection Syndrome after surgery. I am also sure that some others in the group likely did the same, it seems sadly all too common. Some may well recall that I am being used as a guinea pig (or perhaps, guinea stoat?)  in a two-year study that is hoping to find better ways to manage the condition. I am in the patient group who will be receiving a Sacro-Neural Modulater, fitted at the base of my spine.

I had it confirmed today that I will be having pre-operation assessment on Jul 22nd, and then surgery (if all is cleared through the assessment) on July 25th. I am not going to lie about it, I am more apprehensive about this than I was about the two huge operations I had when battling cancer. I am having a temporary nerve modulating filament run up my spine, and if it works for two weeks, it will be removed and replaced with a permanent modulator. Spinal surgery is not something to be taken lightly, however, and this procedure is far from commonplace, unlike the bowel resection that made it necessary.

I will keep posting updates as the treatment continues. Anybody who has experienced LARS is sure to know just how debilitating - and very embarrassing - the condition can be. Even if this does not relieve my own symptoms, if this study can help provide relief to others, I am very happy to undergo the process. Just keep fingers crossed for me on the 25th of this month!

More updates when there is more news!


  •   Hi Robin. Good to hear from you again and thanks for the update. Will have everything crossed for you on the 25th and hope the modulator is a success. Thankyou for being a Guinea pig - it’s an often unackniwledged condition but, as you say, sadly all too common after a LAR

    Take care

    Karen x

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