Dad's ongoing journey

  • 2 replies
  • 129 subscribers

Checking in after some time away from the community. Just wanted to update those who remember me on Dad's progress and give some positivity to those on their journeys.

Dad had his 'year on' CT scan a year to the day after his first scan post surgery Dec 2022. It was a nervous wait for the results but I'm delighted to say results were excellent... no sign of spread or recurrence.  He's had some issues with his legs / varicose veins which is under investigation but in true "Dad" style he's taking everything in his stride. Still getting his daily walk in to town come rain or shine (he's 88 this Xmas). I hope this gives some light and raise a smile or two. From his diagnosis and original prognosis from his 1st Consultant (when we thought there were no options and we would lose him within a year or so) to the great oncology team, who helped explain the ins and outs of radiotherapy, (Dad then went for this with good results meaning surgery was viable)  and a different super Consultant, who saw Dad as a person & not an old frail man from just reading his notes we are very grateful. 

He has opted to have a check colonoscopy which is set for this coming Saturday. Has anyone experience of this with a stoma bag??. Dad's is permanent and he had such a dreadful time taking the bowel prep prior to surgery. I wondered if it's any easier with a bag???  I've got some drainer bags from Coloplast (who supply all his bags etc). Dad is not so keen on these, as he did try them as an option when he started out, but couldn't get on with them. I just thought they would be easier for him to manage. I don't want him to think I'm nagging!!!!

Sending best wishes to you all.

  • Hi  and lovely to hear that your dad is doing so well. It sounds like the drainer bags would be a good idea just for while he’s taking the prep as it will save him havung to change the bag each time and getting sore. Noe sure if it’s the same prep as for someone without a stoma but I had moviprep and it’s 2 lots mixed in a litre of water and that can be a lot of fluid coming out very quickly. 
    You could maybe drop a quick list on the stoma board for sone up to date experience?

     Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support 

    I’ve also attached a link to a booklet by The Christie hospital about colonoscopies through a stoma

    So glad you found someone who was able to view him as an individual rather than the average 88 year old and I hope he continues to enjoy his daily walks for many more years

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Karen,

    many thanks for all the info. I've had some responses with good information & reassurance. Dad's not a great conversation holder so it's handy to have chats on here so I'm at least clued up and can give Dad the right support .

    I think he'll be pleased when tomorrow's visit to Addenbrookes is done!

    Best wishes, 

    Dawn    Bluestar