Scan Date

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So, my sister Margaret came in today with a letter for me to look at. It is the date of her CT scan to look at these bone lesions they are talking about. It is on the 12th July so not too long away. The ironic thing though is it is one year to the day since we had Jay's funeral. The date of his funeral was the 14th July but that was a Friday last year and as it's a leap year we're two days forward this year. So she has to go in the morning to get an injection this radioactive liquid they give you to highlight the areas they need to to look at on your insides and then in the afternoon she goes for the actual scan. It's at the nuclear imaging department she has to go to and it's at the hospital quite local to us so that's a plus in itself and we won't need to travel to the other side of the city as we sometimes do. So was trying to make light of things and tell her that she will be `glowing in the dark` after it. I'm just hoping it's something and nothing and if it's not the inevitable what we think it is and it's something else,  then I can live with that and at least know they will hopefully be able to do something for her. We both have the genetic disorder Tuberous Sclerosis (google it) and these can cause benign lesions on the internal organs of the body and joints (bones) can be included.  I have them on my kidneys and in my brain but its just like they are just sitting there doing nothing and so the specialists don't feel a need to `fix what isn't broken` if you like because sometimes that can open a can of worms and I feel ok within myself with it. Margaret has recovered well since her surgery and I suppose I'm grateful that they are picking up on this and getting it checked out. Take Care everyone. 

Vicky xx

  • Oh   I am just catching up with this . My mum is in hospital just now but hopefully not be for too long .

    I totally get the significance of the dates . It sends a shudder through you . I found my dad with a stroke and a year to the day I found my mum needing to be admitted . I found it hard to process too . 
    But I do hope it’s not anything serious for her . You have been so supportive to her . So glad it’s at a local hospital . Much easier to travel and park too . But the burden of responsibility is heavy at times .

    Look after yourself too .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thanks Court!

    Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear your mum is in hospital hope she gets home soon and is well again. She's a fighter! Yes we have to go to the New Victoria on the southside of Glasgow just about 10/15 minutes away from where we are. A nightmare for parking though they have the open air  car park and the underground one but nine times out of ten it's impossible to get a space in any of them. Think a lot who work in the city centre were using it just to park their car and get a bus into town but see recently they have employed wardens so hopefully this is to stop all that. Take Care. 

    Vicky x