My Dad 66yr old with bowel cancer stage 4 with liver mets

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Hi to all out there! I feel like I have lived on this bloody computer since my Dad got diagnosed 2mths ago!  We live in New Zealand, and are trying to get a grip of what is going on and would love to here of positive stories from anyone else going through the same thing! 

My Dad has always been a fit and healthy man.  He was concerned with a lump he felt in his tummy... after testing we found out this was liver mets from advanced colon cancer!  He has been tender in his tummy, but not in pain at all.  He started chemo 2 cycles ago, with xeloda tabs and oxaliplatin.  I am worried that living in little old New Zealand that my DAD may not be getting the best treatment, that there maybe better things out there!  He is a fit man and has a better appetite than he has ever had, so we are hoping all of these factors will make him respond well to the treatment.    I would love to hear from you all x    

  • Hi Jules, Just wanted to let you know that my mum had a similar diagnosis as your dad and was put straight onto the same chemo combo. It seems to be the first choice in the circumstances.

    My mum was very fit as she had no symptoms, but had completed the bowel screening programme through the post. It was very hard to believe she had a spread to her liver.

    She had surgery on her colon and liver last month . She will require a further op, but we keep pressing on.

    I hope your dad has a good responce to chemo and maybe someone with more info than me will also reply.

    Kind regards court

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court
    Hi Jules You will see from my biography that my husband has had numerous treatment options. It certainly hasn't been plain sailing over the last few years but at this point in time he is keeping very well. We were told today that he may be eligible foe a clinical trial so that is good news. Hope things go well with your dad's chemo and it gives good results. If you want any information on any other treatments just let me know. Best wishes Jackie xxee
  • Hi Court

    Thanks heaps for your reply.  It's nice to hear that others are under the same treatment as Dad.  It's so hard to believe that something like this can go on inside of your loved one with no symptoms at all.  Thanks for the words of encourgement, and the same to you and your Mum - you really do have to stay positive... as hard as it can be sometimes!

    All the best and keep me posted on how all is going for you both.





  • Thank you Jackie, it is nice to hear from people who care going through what we are also.  I wish you and your hubby well... and good luck on the trial.

    Yes we too hope the chemo goes well for Dad, he is coping pretty well with it at the moment so that is good news.

    Keep me posted and thanks






  • Does anyone out there know what the cancer markers are in the blood?  My Dad went from 1700 to 400, I'm guessing this is good but I don't really know what it means?  Could anyone tell me?  Dad is off to his 3rd chemo today and having a scan soon to see what is happening, hoping for some good news!!  He has lost 5kgs and they have put him on a protein type shake to bulk him up abit, he is eating bette than ever before so a shame he is still losing weight?  Love to hear from someone with some info!! Cheers Jules


  • FormerMember

    hi jules i find myself in exactly the same position as you .my dad is also 66 and got diagnosed one month ago with bowel cancer that has spead to the has turned my world upside down we saw his oncologist last week who put him on exactly the same chemo combo as your dad he starts it in one week for 12 came as such a shock as he also had no symptoms and is always fit and healthy anyway the docs said they will scan again after he has finished chemo cycle and if it has responded well they would reconsider liver surgery for the tumors in really helps to hear from people who are going through it too x x

  • Hi Franny - thanks for your message.  It's such a hard thing to come to terms with isn't it?  And like you say when your Dad seems so fit and healthy- then to find out this has been growing inside them!  I do think though the fact that our Dad's have always been so fit and healthy that this must help them fight this disease!  And i do believe a positive mind also helps - but know it can be hard sometimes!  Did your Dad have an enlarge liver?  My dad did, and I was just wondering if he had that hard lump in his tummy also?  That is of course why he went to the Doctor, thinking it was a hernia or ulcer... not bloody cancer!  All the best Franny for you and your Dad!  I will be thinking of you, and please post anything you want to say or ask won't you?  Like you say it really does help! Take care xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules, I am  51 yrs old, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in march with liver and lung mets. I have just had my 4 round of cap ox treatment and feel great. Apart from the side effects of the oxalipltin, (tingling fingers and muscle spasms oh and a rather flushed face), I don't even feel ill. I have no chance of an operation in my local hospital but have requested a 2nd opinion and this is being followed up, just awaiting an appointment. I had been suffering from none of the sual symptoms of bowel cancer and was just asolutely exhausted, had to sit down as soon as I got to the top of the stairs and catch my breath. My husbandmade me go to gp in jan and started treament on 26th march. Hope this helps.

    Kaz xx

  • FormerMember

    hi jules

    thanks so much for your reply i dont think my dad has an enlarged liver or at least the doctors havn't said so ,he didn't have a lump in his stomach either he went into hospital as he was getting a severe pain just under his rib cage on the right side. doctors first thought it was gallstones but a blood test showed his enzymes levels in his liver were raised so they sent him for a ultra sound scan where they told us they had found several shadows in his liver that were consistant with cancer he then had a ct scan to find out where the primary source was as the ct didn't show much he then had a flexible sigmodoscopy where they found a tumour low down in his bowel. how has your dad been since he has started treatment? please keep intouch and hopefully soon you will receive some good news. i told my dad about you and your dads storie and it has really lifted his spirits. xx

  • Great to hear from you Kaz!! Well that sounds great, so good that you are feeling so good.  Yes Dad too has had no side effects except the cold tingling fingers, and of course feeling the cold (And they just got 5 inch of snow!!).  Thank God for your husband telling you to go to your GP!!  Isn't it just a scary thing that can go on with no side effects... I really do believe that there should be a lot more screening and information told to the general public about this cancer that can really go un-noticed.  No offence to Breast cancer, or Prostate cancer by any other means - but there is a lot we do hear about and are aware of, but Bowel isn't one of them.  And they tell me in NZ that you have a 1 and 16 chance if you are a male of getting it!  Anyway, that doesn't help us now - lets focus on how good you and my Dad are feeling and go for gold!!  Great to hear you are seeking a 2nd opinion - Good luck sounds like you have the right frame of mind!! Best Wishes and love to hear from you with your progress!    Jules xxx

