Bowel movements

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  • 129 subscribers

Hi haven't been on for a long time due to having Chemo early in year then just finished 5 solid weeks of radiation/chemo tablets. I am now waiting 6weeks before have MRI &CT scan to see if cancer shrunk before I have operation for rectal cancer . My question is my bowels are constantly open I spend more time on toilet than anywhere else I can't plan to go out, or visit anyone ,it's a nitemare and seriously getting me down is this normal after having all this treatment? 

  • Hello Dolphin67,

    I had a year of what you are enduring prior to being diagnosed with cancer and over the counter Loperamide tablets made a difference. Avoid the big brand names as they are expensive and the cheaper versions are the same thing.

    My oncologist warned me of the diarrhoea getting worse once the 5 weeks chemoradiotherapy course commenced prior to surgery for rectal cancer. It is a common side effect, it seems. He recommended that I have a loop ileostomy before treatment started because he believed I wouldn't be able to manage the constant diarrhoea - particularly when travelling each day for these critical appointments. He was right and for other reasons I decided to keep the ileostomy post-surgery. It works a treat and life is pretty much back to normal. Presumably a lot depends on the nature of the tumour and the bigger picture that the experts discuss at the MDT meetings.

    Meanwhile you have the sympathy of us all, I am sure and it sounds as if you will be on the road to recovery before too long. One other thing: make sure you drink plenty of water each day to rehydrate and replace the fluid you are losing.

