Updates and positive news!

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  • 129 subscribers

I now have good news for a change!

Firstly, my recent colonoscopy came back all clear. I need to wait for CT scan results, but this was such a weight off my mind.

I have had my first course of lidocaine infusion for pain and fatigue control. Please to report that after a couple of weeks, things are improved. I still have pain, and fatigue, but the baseline for both has been drastically reduced. It lasts different amounts of time for individuals, so I will see how long it lasts, but it could be three or four months, and I am told that if it is beneficial, I could get the treatment every six months. If you have pain issues, I strongly suggest asking to get lidocaine infusion treatment.

It has given me a new, more positive, view of life. Last year was my lowest point, I now feel renewed!

Onwards and upwards!
