Hernia after surgery

  • 3 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi everyone, my husband is now 13 weeks post op following a right hemicolectomy.

Following the operation he had an infection and also a blockage which resulted in him being readmitted twice to hospital, he has constantly complained of pain and discomfort which the team and the GP referred to as healing and would pass.  The pains are so bad sometimes that you can see it takes his breath.

After finally getting an ultrasound last week it was discovered he has an hernia and now requires further surgery, not sure what type of hernia it is or what sort of surgery as this was from a telephone consultation yesterday.

Just wondering if anyone has gone through this and what we can expect.

He is so down at the moment.

  • Hi  

    My mum had two hernias unfortunately after surgery . I think it’s quite common in the abdominal area . Mum’s were not sore so nothing happened for her but I would imagine if they were they would intervene. 
    I will pop this back up to the top .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thanks for replying, i understand they are common.

    Hopefully we won't be waiting too long before we hear back from the hospital.

  • https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/impacts-of-cancer/hernia#:~:text=Usually%2C%20your%20muscles%20hold%20your,surgery%20than%20after%20open%20surgery.

    Ask a Nurse

    Just putting in the Macmillan info on hernias. Also we have an ask an expert section where you can contact a nurse .

    Or our helpline nurses on 0808 808 0000

    Could give you information.

    Bowel cancer U.K. also has an email address for a nurse .

    I am no expert on hernias but I would be concerned if my relative was experiencing pain that took their breath away .

    I have used A and E with my mum if I felt the symptoms were too sever for me to confidently cope with . It sounds as though he is in considerable pain .

    Our search function . ( small microscope at the top of the page ) has older posts about hernias and some seem to be able to be carried out by keyhole .

    The mesh they sometimes use to prevent them coming back my mum has following her last large surgery and she certainly has no problems with it . It was part of a clinical trial . Her hernias are in other locations .

    Sometimes you have to trust your instincts.


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000