Just feeling down today

  • 4 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hello folks, 

Feeling very low this am, I feel like maybe I'm not taking care of myself the way I should be, but even sure if that's the case, it might just be insecurity going thru this chemo/ cancer crap. It's such a drag not knowing how long this process will be, the outcome, curveballs come and derail things, it's tough. That's all, just wanted to vent. 

  • Hi  Yes it is tough and sometimes the finishing line gets moved so try to focus on the little wins. Plan a nice treat after each chemo session, meet a friend for coffee and try to talk about non-cancer things, get out for a walk and listen to the birds. Going through cancer treatment can feel like it’s taking over your life but there is light at the end of the tunnel so keep putting 1 foot in front of the other and you’ll get there. Be kind to yourself and if you want to have a good cry or have a duvet day then do it,

    Dont forget that the support desk is available on the number below if you want a chat?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Amen!! Thanks. 

  • Hi Gab yes I know how you feel. Just had my first chemo session and getting ready for next one on Friday. I’m still trying to get my head round it all and I don’t like feeling so awful. When I’m feeling more positive I remind myself that it will pass and it’s all part of a process. I’m tempted at times to say ‘it’s not fair’ but I was forever telling my children that nobody said life was fair! Keep going and take care of yourself. X

  • Hello Beverley,

    As far as fair goes, being a Christian, I'm not special so as to be protected from this, that being said, I hate it like all of us do. I don't have the positive side that many on this platform do, because I've really just begun so I don't have any wins yet. I admire you for believing that it's gonna come to an end, I pray for that always but also realize that it may not go my way. That's okay, I much prefer a quality of life for 4 years, for example without chemo vs 6 years with. That's how I feel now, naturally this will possibly change, that's alright too. Take care