Husband waiting for colonoscopy following positive FIT test

  • 4 replies
  • 131 subscribers

Hello , I was diagnosed with a stage 3 tumour in sigmoid colon Jan 16th.I had a bowel resection 29th Jan and I'm now a week into chemo. My husband has been having symptoms fir a long time..much longer than me and he's now waiting for a colonoscopy .I can't believe we are here again so soon and it's terrifying. I hope he does not have a tumour just not sure how we will cope. 

  • Dear Hex

    i am so sorry to hear that you’ve been on such a tough journey with your own health and now have concerns about your husband. I don’t have the wealth of experience that others on this site do but do know that somehow we do find a way to weather life’s challenges. Advice here seems to be to focus on the knowns and at the moment it is you who needs care. I hope you can use this waiting time to really focus on what you need. 

    Tab xx

  • Thank you for your kind words x

  • Hi Hex. We were in a similar situation at Christmas. My wife had been diagnosed with Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia and I was in hospital having a colon resection for a cancerous growth. We are now both on chemo.

    You will manage. Just do what you can do and leave the rest. If anyone moans about the dust in the house, give them a duster and polish!

    Wishing you every success for your and hubbie's treatment.

    Steve x

  • Hi again Hex. Just another thought - there is help available if you struggle with such things as housework, shopping, gardening etc. If you talk to your Macmillan Support Worker they can put you in touch with organisations that can help with these and much more.

    Hope this helps and all the best for a positive outcome for hubby x.