How to cope with the day to day

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  • 130 subscribers

I'm appreciate that I'm only in my second day after my first treatment and although the change of direction that yesterday brought had its own challenges it meant I was no longer waiting for something to happen,  however I've now hit another wall. 

I did manage to get up this morning, shove some food down with the pills, mediated for a brief period, went for a short walk, waved at a friend's new grandson through the window, tried to eatch sone tv but now all I want to do is go to bed. Yet I have to somehow manage another meal in order to swallow the next batch of "warrior " pills. Appetite is zero. Does this improve?

I find it very difficult to express my inner fears and worries and the stress seems to make me very shivery so I retreat under the rug on the sofa.

I'm worried about Easter looming and services being closed. The anticipated "diarrhea day". What happens when I stop taking the little yellow antisickness/ steroid on Friday and trying not to fret about the what if the other pills don't work etc... when my GP isn't available.

I can't seem to find joy or purpose and am wondering how others approached these initial days. 

I'm obviously being very emotionally needy here. I hope one day to be able to offer out to support others, but for now perhaps just my asking the questions could help someone who is also struggling.

  • Hello,

    firstly, if you need to go to bed to rest then please do. Don’t be too hard on yourself! I’ve never had an issue with food so I can’t really comment on that. 

    As for your worry about sickness, I feel very nauseous at times. If the tablets you have aren’t working when you stop the others, then please ring your hospital’s oncology hotline, mine are very helpful. 

    Take each day as it comes.

    Rachael x