Ankle swelling post hemicolectomy

  • 3 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Dear lovely group,

I had a right hemicolectomy last year with 21 lymph nodes removed. I now seem to have a permanently swollen right (only) ankle.  Has anyone else experienced this? I am wondering if it could be lymphoedema? 

Since the surgery I also have microscopic colitis which may also be related. I don't want to bother the very busy medics until my next appointment and hence was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

Thanks for your responses,  Andrea

  • Hi  

    I think this is worthy of bothering them with . I have seen people mention it before . In fact my husbands aunt has experienced it after abdominal surgery.  Which is super annoying as no lymph nodes were removed . I think you should let your consultant know whilst you have them around .

    We also have an Ask an Expert section where you could speak to one of the nurses . Can take a day or two to reply .

    I will link it in for you .

    You sound lovely but you do need to ask at times .

    Take special care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  •  Ask a Nurse
    if you click on the above link it will take you to the section required .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Bless you! Thank you so much for your lovely reply.