Localised lymph node near rectum

  • 4 replies
  • 130 subscribers


Last year I was told that I might have residual cancer after having a rectal polyp removed. The biopsy said there was adenocarcinoma in the deep margins. Naturally I was terribly concerned about this. My surgeon said it's gone! No further treatment. I have been scanned and scoped over the last year.

My last MRI of the rectum showed there was lymph involvement. I've had a clear Pet Scan thank goodness. After a colonoscopy last week he said I would definitely be having surgery.

Yesterday over a telephone consultation he said I would be having radiotherapy! 

My CNS is lovely so I have emailed her with my concerns. It seems to me that surgery would be curative at this early stage. Radiotherapy scares me especially as I'm immunosuppressed.

Has anyone had a similar experience of having radiotherapy over surgery.

I don't feel as though I am a part of the decision making process at all.

I feel ignored and frightened. It's like they're gambling with my life!


  • Hello Jilly and a warm welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here, have had RT on perirectal nodes, no results yet, but bowel issues minor, can't help with surgery though I am sure others will be along soon who have. best wishes with whatever option you have. take care.


  • Hi again Jilly, regarding your treatment remember you have the final say in which treatment you choose.


  • Hi Eddie

    Thank you for your reply. I think the problem I have is that I am not given choices. I wish that was the case 

  • Hi Jilly, you mustn't think that way It's your body and your choice. You should call your CNS and tell her your concerns and she will pass them on for you, take care.
