Cancer book recommendations

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  • 130 subscribers

Hi all, 

My family member has stage 4 cancer. Any good book recommendations for cancer patients, that gives hope, motivation etc 

A good read :) 

And has anyone read Deborah James Bowel Babe book? Any recommendations for myself with bowel cancer? 

thank you for both questions in advance. 

  • Hi Gem2023, so sorry to hear what you and your family member are going through, I too have T4 cancer and like to read. Have read Deborah James but not Bowel Babe Book. but read her book how to live well when you could be dead, and another i found helpful was Sarah Hughes. holding tight letting go. Th only book i have read relating to bowel cancer was Fi Munro's Love Light and Mermaid Tails which i enjoyed even though it was aimed at a younger generation. take care.
