EMR or surgery?

  • 4 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi, I don’t know if anyone can help with any advice. I have had two colonoscopies in the past 4 weeks with the latest one being to do biopsies in a 3cm mass found at the rectal sigmoid joint. Today the consultant phoned me and told me the biopsies are clear and no sign of cancer - however there maybe cancer inside. He told me it needs to be removed and gave me two options. EMR and possible surgery if cancer is found or if they are unable to remove it all - or surgery. I am meeting him on Wednesday to decide and go through next steps. I am so torn between the two and going round in circles about the pros and cons of each. Has any one got any advice??? Thank you in advance 

  • Hi, 

    I had something similar in the same place. My consultant at a later date told me he argued that removing by emr was risky because in my case it was very large. In his experience biopsies are not taken from the base and it's usually malignant. He did give me an option but asked what he would do and he said resection. I had to trust him and so glad I did because the day after the operation I was told that the base was cancerous. Everyone is different and in your case it may be that there is no cancer but maybe you could ask if biopsies were taken from the base. 

    Good luck with your meeting x

  • thank you for your reply. No biopsies were taken from the base just the head, which makes me think if he is still saying there could be cancer inside then he must think there is a risk. How was surgery for you? Xx

  • Surgery was OK. It's a big op and I'm a bit older so took a bit longer to recover but all OK. Kept pain free and found my team faultless. Recovery OK some are back to normal in weeks for me back to work after three months.

    I'm no doctor but my consultant gave me good advice and I will be forever greatful to him because it was caught early. X

  • Hi, I’ve just read your post and wondered how you are getting on? 
    I am having colonoscopy with EMR in a couple of weeks for a 2.5cm polyp. 
    I hope everything went well for you.