I stupidly googled

  • 3 replies
  • 131 subscribers

My husband has recently started treatment for colorectal cancer which has spread to liver. They say it is incurable and he has had a week of radiotherapy and is soon to start chemo.

I stupidly googled and terrified myself.

Thankfully my googling also brought me here so I’ve signed up and feel a bit better having read some discussions.

Trying to calm myself down and will not google again.

  • Hi  

    A big welcome to the forum and hopefully some recovery from your time in Google land . It’s easy to do and I think most of us here learnt the hard way too . But focusing on where you get your information can really help .

    Its great your husband has started his first part on treatment and heading onto chemotherapy .

    Although incurable I always leant to “ treatable “ when thinking of my mum’s spread and she is now winging her way round to 15 years having just finished another nine months of treatment. 
    I never completely went away but it most definitely stayed away for years at a time and she has had lots of wonderful years despite a difficult diagnosis.

    Learnt to live through the highs and lows is challenging for her and our family but toe by toe she got there .

    They say a stage 4 diagnosis is a marathon not a sprint and I think the best way is to pace yourself too . Keep your own health as a priority too .

    Lots of different approaches to treating a spread but they are always there in the background rescanning and adding in other approaches where possible ,

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Information overload from around the world, with profit as the motive for some. Only deal with what you know and don't try to predict the future - no-one can do that with any certainty.


  • Thank you so much. I feel much happier looking at stuff here. Staying positive.