Pain Relief Post Op

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I am a week post op today and have been home since Tuesday.  I’m currently on tramadol for pain relief for which I was given a weeks prescription.  I was initially on oral morphine too which was brilliant at bridging the gap between tramadol doses as the pain wore off but I’ve only needed one dose in the last 48 hours. 

I was initially constipated when I came home, then had diarrhoea and now I’ve gone back to constipation.  I’ve read that this can be a common side effect of the tramadol and want to try and reduce the amount I am taking but wasn’t told the best way to do this.  It’s currently 50mg every six hours.  Has anyone experienced the same and if so how did you reduce your your intake? 

  • Hi  

    pharmacist here. I’m not sure what op you had. Mine was an extended right hemicolectomy . When I left hospital I was on no painkillers.  

    Do you actually need to take the tramadol at all this far out? 

    yes tramadol can cause constipation as any of the opioids ( morphine)  will too .. so morphine plus tramadol was always going to be a ticking time bomb for constipation 

    will paracetamol alone hold the pain at bay ? 

    Keep your fluids up and plenty of greens. Less carbs more fruit.  
    wishing you a speedy recovery and a pain free Christmas