2ww after positive FIT

  • 5 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Hello there,

This is my first time posting.

A few weeks ago I requested an appointment with my GP as I was suffering heart palpitations, extreme weight loss (not necessarily intentional) but I’ve not step foot in a gym and I’ve lost an incredible amount of weight in the last two years, 9 stone in total - relationship breakdown and I did put on a lot of weight during Covid and pregnancy with my youngest. I have a lump and pain in my LIF. 
I left the appointment with a referral for bowel cancer screening.

on Wednesday morning I had an ultrasound and x-ray, ultrasound came back clear and she said the lump and pain could be from my ectopic pregnancy a few years ago and scar tissue from the fallopians tube removal and now I’ve lost weight I’m just able to feel it more. X-ray results still pending and waiting for a CT scan appointment.

positive FIT test so I’m on a 2ww for a colonoscopy. FIT test was 10.9 so only slightly over but I’m still however absolutely petrified. I’ve also got protein in my urine +1 so not too high but it was also that 3 months ago and GP doesn’t seem to be bothered about that? They also didn’t even take my bloods or urine until I requested it earlier this week, which I find insane. Still haven’t got bloods done as there are no appointments?! How can you be on a 2ww and not have a blood test?

I’m 31 have two young children (2 and 5) the anxiety is eating me alive. No history of BC in family that I know of or any C for that matter. 

there has been mucus and blood in my stools but very sporadic over the months and barely noticeable. I have pain in my abdomen which sometimes goes into my legs. 
decreased appetite but I am trying so hard to eat more. I also don’t know if the anxiety is making me imagine these symptoms.

feel like I’m going insane and driving my friends and family mad so here I am. 

the waiting game is horrendous isn’t it? 

thank you x

  • Hi  Yes the waiting is horrendous but hopefully you’ll get your appointment through soon? Anxiety can cause a lot of niggles and the more you worry, the worse they get. Try to keep your head in the moment and not worry about something that hasn’t been confirmed?

    Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis. There are lots of things that can cause similar symptoms like piles, ibs, colitis, crohns etc. It sounds like you’re being well checked over and they’ll be able to tell after the colonoscopy if there’s anything untoward going on.

    Please let us know how you get on and the support desk is available on the numbe4 below if you want yo chat to someone in person

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi, I had the FIT test in December and went on the 2ww. Pain and a lump in LIF. Colonoscopy done very quickly to be told almost certainly cancer. I knew it was. They couldn’t get the camera (a paediatric one) past the blockage so I was booked in for a CTC and chest CT. Had those last week and it’s been confirmed as cancer with some ‘spots’ on my lungs. Surgery is provisionally booked for 23rd Jan but I find out this Thursday (12th) whether I may need chemo first. 
    There’s only me and the dogs at home, my adult children work. I’m scared of everything but can’t tell people that. I’m scared of dying on the operating table and being totally unprepared. At least if the cancer is terminal I have chance to plan stuff. 

  • Hello Keldog,

    Your fears are quite natural but try not to be scared of things over which you have little or no control. With regard to the operating table there is no doubt that those around you there will move heaven and earth to ensure a successful outcome. Although the surgeon might be considered to be the star player it is the anaesthetist who makes it all possible (but don't tell the surgeon that). You might just emerge from this thinking "well, that wasn't as bad as I expected it to be". I certainly did!


  • Hi, 

    thanks for the reply. I know I’m over reacting. In my head I know I will be ok. I will wake up but I feel I have to plan everything now. My funeral, the wake (music and food), making a list of things my kids need to do. 
    I have an appointment tomorrow to sort a will out as I’m currently going through a divorce. Should have been done years ago but we always think nothing will happen to us 

  • Hi how are you? How did surgery go. Hope well