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Spending the day on the infusion unit getting a much needed magnesium top up!!

How long should it be before I feel better?? Been pretty ragged lately!!!

Also discovering I might need weekly infusions depending on blood tests!! Wow!! Didn't sew that coming!!!


  • Hi  

    We are still trying to prop up my mum’s magnesium . Not the easiest to do with food either .

    Are you using Cetuximab?

    This is a bit of a culprit for dropping magnesium apparently. My mum had ten months of it and they gave her daily powders to take morning and night . She also got tablets at one point .

    The last reading she got was 0.3 which way too low so we are still on the job .

    The only issues with the powders is more loose bowel movements so that aspect does need some management too .

    It does take her a wee while to bring her magnesium back up so have a restful few days if you can . There are lots of guidelines on how to add it into your diet .

    However if my mum could have had it through an infusion we would have opted for that and did ask . At the bigger unit they did it . It was much more effective that the powder ones . 

    How have you been getting along ?


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • When I say more effective I meant in terms of the speed it came back up . Plus we were suspicious mum might not have been getting the bottom of the powder drink !


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I could not tolerate the powders they gave me. So it was my first infusion yesterday. It's a long day in the chair...... this morning I don't think I feel much better.  Maybe being too optimistic!! I will be having quiet day!! No I'm on Panitumimab. Hope I spelled that right.  Folfiri and Irinotecan. So which is the culprit if not all of them!!!! I will be on rolling infusions and weekly blood tests.  Phew  we endure a lot don't we!!???? Hope your mum is doing OK!! X


    It’s another of the targeted drugs and hits the magnesium too .

    It’s a long day in the chair for sure . It’s an intense routine and it’s only now  without the hospital appointments that I realise how much it was and that’s without going through treatment .

    You are doing so well and keep speaking to your team if you feel it’s getting too much as small adjustments can make a big change to the quality of your life .

    They are there to support you and as they say it’s a marathon not a sprint so they want you to go the distance . 
    Have a quiet day and hopefully most of the chemo will start to exit .

    Take care and here’s to super shrinkage going on to !

    Court x 

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thanks for the encouragement!! Trying to keep my chin up and as you say I'm in it for the long haul!! Somedays are harder than others!!!

    Enjoy Christmas!!