Regular upset stomach and diarrhoea even 3 years after bowel cancer operation.

  • 3 replies
  • 132 subscribers

I rely quite heavily on loperamide but then find if i take too many i don’t go to the toilet for days, then have to rush urgently to make it and have the runs, there is no pattern, and i never know which foods will upset me, do others suffer from the same symptoms. It’s a bit nerve racking, because you are frightened to go out to eat, or go away, in case it happens while you are out.

  • I’ve replied on your first post. If you click on ‘more’ then you could maybe delete this duplicated one? 

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  • Hi. I've resently had a hemicolectomy and have problems with toileting (diarrhea) and rely on Loperamide a lot, I was concerned about taking 4 a day, so I contacted my doctor who said 4 a day wasn't a problem and to take them as long as required. Loperamide does what it says on the tin, I have great faith in it, so my problem doesn't hold me back that much. I do know how uncomfortable your prob; is but try not to let it hold you back.

  • hutchm I have been taking loperamide for the last six months whilst on chemotherapy again, I try to avoid taking more drugs as anyone who has had treatment will know the amount of medication you take should come with a pez dispenser. as an alternative I have been using peppermint oil capsules to help with stomach issues, they are available on prescription (Apercap 0.2ml capsules) but I have also used the Holland and Barret ones as well (Oil of Peppermint 200mg) both have been really successful with settling my stomach and always trying to balance out with senna or ducolax to avoid constipation. Probably best to try and reduce your loperamide and be careful with painkillers as they cause constipation as well. Good luck.