Dec 2023 catch up thread !

  • 24 replies
  • 134 subscribers

The last few months have accelerated by in my life so here we are . First attempt at some decorating.

The sun is out here and we are digging deep and drawing strength, putting our best foot forward in a meaningful way .

Hope you are all gearing up for the weekend and hopefully whatever stage you are in getting to enjoy some aspects .

Will show you later some of our crafting efforts but for now it’s time to carve a new way going forward .


  • Sorry that went before I could say, Ive been making a family of scandinavian style trolls 

  • I absolutely love them  . You are so talented . I made a small one for the top of the wine bottle .

    Heard a crashing sound yesterday only to find my tree on the ground . Think this one exceeded the height limit of the stand so a quick trip to the local garden centre saved the day . Found some remnants of a broken bauble but not found the actual bauble yet !

    It’s been a cold spell here . Makes it very tricky for people in treatment so my thoughts are with you . 
    We are making jewelled snowflakes Snowflake️. Will Post a photo soon .

    Despite the snow mum has been up to mine and my sisters . All pathways cleared ! 

    Take care everyone and let us know how you are coping or what you are getting up to .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Bumping this thread to the top in case anyone has some wintery photos or tales to tell

    Dull and dark but dry here in yorkshire


  • Mum and I indulged in a bit of diy Christmas decs , that was until she fell asleep and left me to it .

    We have managed to get a few colds in our house and passed one onto mum . Always a nightmare.

    Anyway just finishing off her mountain of card writing .

    She frets away sending them all out .

    Hoping we can now enjoy a few nice concerts .

    Take care ,

    From a very damp and cold Scotland . 

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Well I would love to say mum and I have been doing all things festive but unfortunately it was more a case of another day , another emergency admission. This time my sister found her . I unresponsive and in a mess . I was heading to her house so manage to help and she got blue lighted to a different hospital this time .

    Her magnesium is dangerously low and any mild infection was knocking her right off . Hard to avoid at this time of year . She is doing her usual though and I could tell the dr was surprised at initial presentation that she was out most days . Couple of days later she is back on her feet . Magnesium infusions and antibiotics. Does not believe she was anything like the people around her and is making big noises to get home .

    We live to fight another day !

    Hope your all well .

    Court x 

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Aww Court!! Such a shame this time of year to be struggling!! But here we are trying to keep going!! My magnesium infusion last Tuesday didn't seem to accomplish more than an upset tummy!!!! Now battling a cold.  Knocked right off my feet!!! But.....onwards........xx

  • Oh   I think it was a slight cold with low magnesium which knocked her off . She seems to be getting a lot of infusions but sharing a ward with six others so not great toilet access when urgency occurs with the infusions .

    I know you will understand exactly what I am Inferring . 

    I do hope your magnesium picks up . Mum went down to .3 . To be honest it’s been sitting at .5 for ten months .

    Magnesium is so tricky to get back up with food !!!

    Hope your cold resolves soon . 
    Keep in touch . I was thinking of you a lot over the last few days as I knew you were managing the same situation.

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Your Mum is amazing  !

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!