Picc line thrombosis

  • 2 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I’ve had one round of chemo , then started with a pain under my arm pit , like a dull ache. The following morning my arm was a funny shade of grey .. rang the help line , fast response blood test indicated blood clot, scan confirmed it so daily injections to disperse it . One week later today I’m going for my picc line removed feeling Nervous, new line to be fitted next week on opposite arm, feeling quiet scared as the first picc line made my heart race and my head spin and a loud whoosh sound and a uneasy feeling of panic , the whole process took nearly two hours I was fine after but I’m not looking forward to reliving that experience. Any one else had problems with picc line .?

  • My PICC line popped during flushing just yesterday and have had to have running repair! Dreading the possibility of having to have new line as first one took hours and trying to find vein in both arms.  Very uncomfortable.   Good luck!!!! X

  • Hi  I seem to remember mine being relatively straight forward - they found the vein by using a little scanning device - then it was fed in and an X-ray done to check it was in the correct position. 
    Im sure if you explain to the nurse that you’re feeling anxious they’ll be extra reassuring and you may find that your first experience was a one off and this will be a breeze.

    Hope it goes well

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm