Hubby and secretive

  • 3 replies
  • 126 subscribers

So …hi everyone….hubby had a fit test , saw a consultant last Wednesday, came out, he wouldn’t allow me to in with him…and he was all good , consultant didn’t have any concerns…BUT…sending him for a CT scan …why ? 
hubby says thorax, stomach and lungs…why ? 
yesterday , the appointment arrives …this Friday , bloods an hour before, hubby says it’s because of the stuff they inject you with …so is this a pet scan …again why ? 
hubby is giving me no information, no answers and won’t let me in when seeing the consultant 

when the appointment arrived, 3 pages deep, he said …oh it’s on Friday…letter vanished , didn’t want me to read it 

I am now a nervous wreck wondering what the hell is going on , he’s currently under Christie’s for DLBCL , that all appears to be ok , he’s an appointment with them next week, this was made on his last visit 4 months ago , so just a general chat 

it’s this that’s going on now which is driving me crazy when he says everything is fine …REALLY ??? 
Its unfair, I’ve told him to be honest with me, 

so I’ve come on here for some advice, guidance and what to expect and hopefully some answers to my WHYS  while I have a hubby that’s as deep as the ocean 

sorry for the ranting xxx 

  • Hi  I can’t comment on why your husbands as deep as the ocean - maybe he just doesn’t want to upset you but I agree that it’s unfair to not be honest with you - he must know that you’re worried so i don’t understand why he can’t be open with you to relieve you of your concerns?

    From what I remember of your previous post the consultant has said it’s nothing to be worried about but is doing a Ct scan to be doubly sure? My CT scans have always been of the chest, abdomen and thorax so that sounds like a standard scan for the bowel and nearby area. Don’t think I’ve had bloods before hand but had to drink a jug of water and then have a cannula fitted. During the scan they inject a dye to highlight the area being scanned - it’s a very strange sensation - you feel like you’ve wet yourself then get a funny metallic taste in your mouth - so that is also standard for a CT scan.

    The appointment letters can be a few pages long as they advise on the procedure itself then things like taking a snack if you’re diabetic, car parking facilities, directions to the unit, numbers to ring for different language options etc,

    Hope this helps and I hope your hubby can try and understand how upsetting this is and be more open with you

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thanks Karen , I feel better now

    hes said in the past that I wouldn’t be able to cope with all the stress , I can be emotional, however once I need to deal with issues , and once I’ve asked the questions …I’m actually quite strong …maybe he’s not as strong as I think he is and doesn’t want to ask the questions ….whereas I want the ins and outs of everything 

    thanks again xx

  • Hi Punchbag, I have regular PET scans and do need to be at the hospital a hour or so before the scan. I think it important you find a way of asking hubby what type of scan has been scheduled as a PET scan involves the injection of a radioactive material which leaves you radioactive for about 6 hours. Because of this there are procedures you are advised to follow including when taking a pee.

    Hope hubby starts to let you in. A problem shared is a problem halved.

    All the best.
