Nov 2023 catch up thread !

  • 11 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Welcome to Nov and honestly October passed me in a flash and Nov is looking too full already . Hospital appointments seem to top the priority list but I guess in its own way that’s a good thing .

Passed through the Cairngorms and noticed the first fall of snow has arrived . So big hats , gloves and snood time for mum . She has a selection of snoods from which she surveys the world . It comes right up over her nose . 
The diuretic reduction is causing some fluid issues so the balancing act continues . Her Gp sat down , listened and worked his way through each little aspect that needed tweaking with her care .

I have emergency antibiotics for chest , bladder the lot . 
It’s tough at times but we are sticking to our mantra of best foot forward and squeezing life in between the appointments. 

We have decided one outing a day is sufficient and evenings in the cold weather is no longer possible but adaptation is the name of the game so we will go to her and have craft nights and baking nights .

What are you all getting up to and how are you navigating this pathway?

Anyone can contribute here . 
It is just a way of encouraging , sharing and living through or moving past cancer .

take care ,


  • Ooh you’re on the ball today  but where’s October gone? We seem to have rain every day at the minute - I’ve not put the garden waste recycling bin out as it’s not been dry enough to mow the lawn or do any gardening for a fortnight! Unless you count my hubby and his friend digging for worms  - I’ve made him replant the bulbs he inadvertently dug up!

    Im busy knitting baby stuff which I’ll hopefully be able to donate to a hospital - love the knitting but hate sewing up so I’ve found some lovely patterns that are knit from the top down. 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  •  your mum is doing so well; she is an inspiration to all on this thread, as are you, with your care .

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

    • Despite the rain I had a lovely walk yesterday in my favourite place, the waterpark. Sat nest to a knowledgable birder on the bench outside the cafe and learned a lot. The pic is of the lake.

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • Hello everyone. 

    Well I’m painting, tidying and recycling everything on show and hiding out hoards of stuff in cupboards. 
    We have a house valuation booked for Friday. 
    A friends just moved into a beautiful old wrecked cottage with lots of land so he and his family are in a caravan   He will have a building plot for next year so we are going to try and go for it. We have a builder booked so it’s very exciting

    If it doesn’t happen then our large family home will look loved again. We have let things slip. 

    I have to work slowly and pace myself however I’m feeling a huge sense of achievement 

    Best wishes to everyone 


  • Sounds a great plan Ann.what an adventure


  • Thanks Kath 

    We have been thinking of downsizing but health etc has taken us over. 
    This is an opportunity to clear the forty years of stuff and build a small eco friendly home.

    it’s a bright day here I hope it continues 



  • I moved house after my first block of chemo ended and before the second round began. Slow and steady wins the race!! Now closer to my family and as I am needing more help it is working well all round. Take care of yourself Ann!! X

  • That sounds exciting  Ann. Having just done the same ourselves it was daunting at times, as well as exhausting, but worth it in the end. Still trying to get the new place more to our liking but not rushing things as much. Better to live in the place for a while to get a better feel for what works best.

    Having said that, we're heading back to our old town at the weekend for a catch up. Hoping the rain eases up a bit by then.

    Hope everybody is doing well. Take care all. X

  • You two are amazing. One outing every day and then evenings being active, not simply TV slouches. Trying the cryptic crossword with a cat snuggled by my side, purring engine running smoothly. Still in waiting mode, to give the radiotherapy three months to evict the squatter. Scans at the end of the month, hopefully. The NHS is so stretched just now that delays almost inevitable. 

    Meanwhile, our wonderful world continues to inspire. Whether the magnificence of the Cairngorms or the delicate beauty of these cyclamen, there’s so much to draw us out of our own story, and put our troubles in some sort of perspective. 

    Every blessing
  • Hi Wellspring

    Thank you for you meaningful words 

    The NHS are struggling however they are fighting their way through like us 

    Take care 
