ELAPE operation

  • 7 replies
  • 127 subscribers

Hi there.  I have had a polyp removed which when tested had cancer in it.  I have now been offered an ELAPE operation.  I am absolutely terrified by the idea of having this operation.  Wondering if anyone has had the operation and how you got on.

thanks I’m advance 

  • Hello Cornishluc

    Im sorry that I can’t help in having the same. I had a LAR. 

    I wanted to say hello and others will be along that can talk about their experiences 

    I have heard others talking about APR but ELAPE is new to me or I would tag someone 

    I was  worried about my treatment plan , it’s all so much to process .

    I’m sending you a hug and I’ll check in again tomorrow 

    take care 


  • Hi  

    I believe wichitawillis talked about having ELAPE a few months ago. If you put "wichitawillis" or ""ELAPE" in search bar on this site hopefully you'll find some helpful posts

  • Hi thanks I will have a look 

  • Hi there. I did have ELAPE in April. It is a very big op but I was not offered an alternative (stage 2 colorectal cancer, which had spread only to a nearby lymph node). I had radio and chemotherapy prior to the operation.
    I’m 49 and otherwise fit and healthy. I was in hospital for two weeks and couldn’t do much for several weeks afterwards but as soon as I was able to walk further than 1km, I found my recovery was much faster. I ran 10km today. Obvs I have a stoma (colostomy) and that hasn’t been too bad actually. 
    Psychologically it is weird though. Also it is painful at first but I was given some strong painkilllers which didn’t help much and I slept in a separate bed to my wife for a few weeks as I was waking up a lot. 
    But it was a succesful Op and that’s the important thing to remember. Please let me know if you want me to answer questions or if you need some support. 
    good luck.

  • Hi Will. Thank you for your reply.  I’m also 49.  They have removed the polyp ok just don’t know if it fired off microscopic particles or not.  This is why they have offered me the op.  How did you find sitting etc after the op.  Yes I would also have the stoma which is another thing I am worried about.  I know I shouldn’t be as many people have them just such a big change.  I am glad to hear you are doing well.  I have appointment with stoma nurse on Tuesday to find out more and then back with consultant on 16th November.  I may well ask more yet and thank you for the support.   Luc 

  • Hi  

    Just to let you know in case you weren’t aware, we also have a stoma support group within the community you might like to join in addition to this group. 

    This link will take you there-

    Stoma Support Group

    Lots of advice and tips available there, and you can ask any questions you like to get more info.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Luc, I couldn't sit for a while (2-3 weeks after leaving hospital?) until the plastic surgery team told me that I could - it was frustrating lying on one side to another every 30mins or so for several weeks esp as someone who likes to be busy. Stoma really isn't that bad - although I have already got a parastomal hernia which appeared straight away. That's bit depressing. You're right not to make a decision until you've spoken to the team - it's such a massive operation - but as you're young, it should go well! Good luck and keep in touch.