Dislike of eating crunchy food

  • 2 replies
  • 125 subscribers

My husband is having chemotherapy (Fluorouracil) and a few days after the treatment he says he can't bear to eat anything crunchy as he can 'feel' it between his teeth and hear it in his ears. Does anyone have experience of this slightly strange side effect and do you have any suggestions to coping with it, apart from eating soft food?

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the forum. unfortunately the mouth has a rich blood supply and chemo does often affect that area as I understand it .

    However it is definitely one to speak to his team about . Eating and keeping their fluids is is really essential and they would want to get onto that aspect and will have seen it all before .

    My mum had a small dose reduction at one point and that helped reduce a lot of the intensity of the side effects .

    He should have a specialist nurse to contact .

    Our helpline staff would be happy to input too . 0808

    808 0000.

    How are you coping ?

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court thanks for taking the time to reply. We've spoken to the chemo team but nobody seems to have come across this particular side effect, which he finds so unpleasant.

    As to coping, I'm doing my best to be a supportive wife, often getting my head bitten off when he feels unwell. I'm seeking some counselling to try to help as I don't want to resent him but it's hard!

    Thanks again
