Hospital admission

  • 8 replies
  • 126 subscribers

Good morning everyone.

I have suffered with constipation on and off for a long while now. In the last few days I have noticed that there has been a pain that has slowly increased in my groin on my left hand side.

I've been concerned this past week and have spoken with my keyworer nurse plus my own doctor who felt tummy and told me all seemed OK then prescribed more laxido. 

Yesterday evening after Strictly I phoned 111 and ended up driving myself to A&E. They took all my bloods, weight, blood pressure etc and I'm now awaiting the rounds visit from a surgeon. 

I have an appointment at another hospital this coming Wednesday to get results from my PET scan and to discuss treatment.

Im sitting here in a mercifully now quiet ward awaiting what the surgeon wants to do. So much going through my mind.

Will he operate on the tumour 

Will he prescribe a more effective laxative

Will he give me a temporary bag

Will I be well and comfortable enough by Wednesday to travel 2 and half hrs from home to hospital 

Happy Sunday everyone

PaddyBud xx

  • Hello, I’m sorry to hear this. I literally feel your pain, I’m 6 weeks post op Cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC and am really struggling with constipation and pain in let side groin. I’ve spoken to my key worker and doctor and was told the same. Please let us know how you get on

  • Hi  and I’m sorry to hear that you’re in hospital. Have you not managed to get Wednesday appointment moved to nearer home or maybe a telephone appointment would be ok? A temporary bag tends to be fitted if there is a danger of the tumour blocking the bowel. I know you mentioned that the tumour is outside on the bowel wall but is there some inside too? 
    I hope whoever is doing the rounds today is able to give you some answers, if not, it might be tomorrow?

    Sorry that I don’t have any answers for you but hope you’re comfortable and able to get some rest - a quiet ward is always a bonus.

    Please keep us updated?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Good morning Cardiff1968

    I too am sorry to hear that you are suffering post surgery. 

    My urine test shows a urinery infection which could explain the groin pain however he told me some of the findings from my pet scan which he says shows that there are infected lymph nodes which could also be causing my pain! 

    Plus he mentioned 2 very small spots showing up on my lungs but they weren't glowing white or blue on the pet scan they were dark so he hopes they are nothing concerning! Though it has left me numb and unable to take in the situation

    Enjoy your day hope your discomfort goes soon 


  • Hi Kareno62 

    Just so happened to be a colorectal surgeon on duty today. 

    I welcome the drive to Swansea as I have heard what a good hospital it is. I would much rather have important findings and treatment plans discussed in person

    He told me today that the tumour is about 6 cms and yes on the outside of the bowel he said this kind usually responds really well to chemotherapy. He mentioned 2 very small spots that showed up on the pet scan but not glowing white or blue dark so he's hopeful nothing to worry about he said they will keep an eye on them on future scans 

    Again Wednesday I will speak with a specialist doctor and will get the full picture.

    Also some lymph nodes are affected but he didn't say how many or where they were

    They would be removed in an operation but at what stage I don't know.

    I have a urinery infection which probably accounts for my groin pain and testicle aching...

    PaddyBud x

  • Thanks for the update PaddyBud and it’s good that you were able to see a colorectal expert. Hopefully some antibiotics will sort out the infection and reduce your pain. 
    My lymph nodes were removed at the same time as the tumour but you may find that the chemo zaps those as well.

    Hopefully  you’ll be back home in your own bed soon and can get your treatment plan in place and started in the not too distant future?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi PaddyBud. Just wondered how you’re getting on? x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Morning Kareno62

    Thank you for your message.

    Appointment with consultant in Swansea today.

    So many questions and so scared. 

    Woke in the night covered in sweat tho it has only happened once before.

    Still in pain but think the antibiotics are doing something

    Hope things with you are good

    PaddyBud x

  • Yes I’m good thanks. Hope the appointment goes well - please let us know how you get on

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm