Ongoing concerns

  • 8 replies
  • 128 subscribers

Good afternoon everyone  

So blessed to have a few days of nice weather ahead.

I have looked back at my short journey so far to this point and count myself so very lucky that we live in a country with such a wonderful and caring NHS. Also that things have been dealt with with such care and understanding. 

I have a PET CT scan this coming Wednesday 11th and then had an oncology appointment the following Thursday which was then cancelled and made for the same day as my scan at a hospital 150 miles away! 

My mind just continually goes back to the fact it hasn't spread which is wonderful but this time is passing and I can't control what is going on inside.

I wish everyone a lovely weekend of sunshine and good company.

PaddyBud xx

  • Hi PaddyBud. Well we haven’t got any sunshine but it’s not raining so hubby’s been out on his bike and I’ve been gardening and hopefully the washing will be almost dry. Apologies to our friends in Sotland who sound to be having rain and plenty of it Frowning2

    Try to focus on the positives and remember that bowel cancer is very slow growing. I’m wondering if your local health authority is a bit like the one here in Lincolnshire? There’s about 4 hospitals in the trust and they give you the next nearest appointment regardless of how far away it is! They’ve always seemed happy to change them to your nearest hospital so hopefully a quick phone call will sort things out for you? 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Dear Kareno62

    Thank you so much for your message. I understand it is slow growing but then I have been told mine is quite big didn't mention it in centimetres though. Hopefully no spread in the time that remains before treatment thank goodness for Strictly Come Dancing 

    Managed to get my car washed this afternoon and may go to the beach tomorrow 

    I'm in Powys and yes have dealt with 2 hospitals so far I know there are a few more that have been mentioned! 

    I will phone first thing Monday morning and hope that they can find me somewhere else soon.

    Enjoy your weekend and evening 

    PaddyBud x

  • Hi  

    It’s very common for people to worry about the spread during the wait for treatment/surgery . You are only human and I have done a fair bit of worrying too for my mum but the date came round and all was well .

    It’s pouring here  . Fire on and cosy day around the house . Scones snd clotted cream to chase the blues away .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Dear court. 

    Thank you so much for your reassurance. 

    Yes it is horrible how much your mind runs away with you and always seems to focus on the negative not the positives. 

    I do appreciate the kindness and support that there is on this forum. Thank you everyone. 

    Positivity and encouragement to everyone. 

    PaddyBud x

  • You are going in a good direction and this will get sorted . 
    We all need a bit of encouragement from time to time to take the horrible thoughts that circulate.

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • That’s not the United Lincolnshire Hospital by any chance is it Karen, x

    Sue Xx
  • Yes! Although I had most of my treatment whilst living in West Yorkshire before moving here and then my checkups were in Scunthorpe? My sister in law was offered an appointment at one of the hospitals miles away and they explained that it was the next available one but changed it to a nearer one for her quite happily x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • My husbands been to Boston to see the surgeon Lincoln for his Virtual CTC scan and hope to have the colonoscopy at Louth, we were wondering if that’s the reason it’s taking so long. We have been to all the hospitals round here though lol x

    Sue Xx