Pain in entrance to rectum

  • 3 replies
  • 128 subscribers

After 2 colon cancer operations I was left with 20cms of colon issues started as soon as I got home from hospital.

I experienced itching at my entrance to my rectum doctor said my toilet has irritants in as my colon has been cut to only 20cm he gave me some ointment.

My next appointment with the consultant he advised not to use ointment as it was a steriod and would thine the skin. He said use a barrier cream this was ineffective so I used a thick cream but was going to the toilet 6 to 8 times a day.

I have been fighting the issue off and on for 4 years from itchiness to massive pain with this issue.

I am under the hospital at present going through massive pain issues and the ointment helps but has not solved the problem.

I have decided to ask for a stoma bag to be fitted as I cannot continue with this issue anymore.

Has anyone else been through this and have they found an answer

  • Hello Colon

    I hope you do not mind me replying as I had a different type of cancer to yourself but I hope that by doing so it will bump your post.

    Am so sorry that you are having ongoing issues with itchiness and pain following your surgery and I can understand that you feel that asking for a stoma would be the best way forward. Hopefully your consultant will be able to answer any questions that you have when you next meet with them.

    In the meantime there is a forum on here for people who have a Stoma and I wonder whether it might be of interest to you to talk to others about their experiences. I will pop a link below in case it would help.

    Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support - Macmillan Online Community

    I hope this helps a bit and hopefully someone will now see this who can offer you some more advice. In the meantime if there vis anything else you need, then please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Colon

    Like Jane advices the Stoma group are so supportive. .

    I had an Ileostomy for thirteen months and I stayed away six weeks after op. 
    An Ileostomy can need more emptying than a colostomy but it didn’t stop me. I just emptied my pouch when I had a wee. 
    I flew to Spain no bother I did get on with mine really well and lived life to the full 


  • I can only reiterate what Ann has have a look at the stoma group  lots of advice on there I have a permanent ileostomy and it is really no bother
