Colonoscopy via stoma

  • 6 replies
  • 128 subscribers

Hi everyone

It's been a rollercoaster of the last 6 months. A&are, surgerysame day, stoma and chemo.

Am booked for a colonoscopy through the stoma on Monday morning.  Anyone got any tips?  Moviprep will be Sunday, got to be at hospital 9am Monday.  

Love to all


  • Hi  I didn’t have a colonoscopy while I had my stoma but maybe you could try copy and pasting your post onto the stoma board?

     Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Not quite the same but because I developed illeus after my operation I had a camera via my iliostomy.I did accept the gas and air offered and it was painless.

    All the best for monday


  • Hello AnamCara,

    I have two stoma, one of which is a loop ileostomy, and have had two colonoscopies via the colostomy stoma. I was told that a laxative is not required if you have an ileostomy as the colon is not doing anything.

    The procedure was much the same as that via the rectum, with the usual discomfort as the cable passes round the bends in the colon but - from previous experiences - I always have the sedative when offered. It makes quite a difference and is a vast improvement on going without! I believe that colonoscopists(??) prefer their patients to take the sedative as it makes the process more relaxed for everyone in attendance.

    If you have any doubts or queries contact either your stoma nurse or a member of the colonoscopy team. They have the experience to give a considered response. From this patient's viewpoint there is nothing to worry about and gas and air is a bonus on top of the sedative, better than a large Scotch!!

    Remember though if you have the sedative you are unable to drive yourself home afterwards until some hours have elapsed and the hospital has always been strict on this, with good reason.

  • Hi all, thanks for the replies.  I had a successful colonoscopy today.  Had sedation but felt nothing at all during the procedure and watched the entire thing.  My bowel is normal apparently.  The prep for it was a bit tiresome

      The first litre of fluid was easy enough as I flavoured it with a lovely mint and elderflower cordial. I struggled with the second litre and it took a while to drink it all.  But I did!  It definitely had the desired effect .  My lovely stoma nurse had provided me with some drainable bags which were a godsend as it filled up every 10 minutes or so.

    I got a very good look at my bowel, it was a very clear picture.  

    Got home and had a wee afternoon nap.  

    Thanks again all.

  • Glad it all went well
