Check my dosage

  • 7 replies
  • 127 subscribers

Hi I’ve just started my CAPOX chemo, 315 mg of Oxaliplatic yesterday and now 2300 mg of Capecitabine. The latter seems very high?

  • Depending on your weight you can be given a dosage anywhere between 1500mg and 2500mg twice a day. So 2300mg within the realms of normality. 

  • Thanks for replying. I’m 187cm and 104kgs.

  • I was 75 kg and 162 cm and my dosage  of Capecitabine was 1800mg twice a day, not sure on the Oxaplatine  

  • Hi Dewi

    As Parky said - it depends on your weight & height. I was on Capecitabine in 2020 - when only 7 1/2 Stone. They started me on 1500mg, but upped the dosage to 1700, as I tolerated it well for the first four months.

    Best wishes for your treatment.


  • Hi I'm 105 kg and 5"10 and they want me to take 2800mg twice a day.

    There's no way I'm doing that 

  • GAVOS12,  Are you starting chemo at 2800mg twice a day? I started Capecitabine at 1000mg twice a day, then 1300mg twice a day, then had to reduce both Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin significantly because I developed intense cold feet as a side effect which is unusual. In my case I have a c50% DPD deficiency which can require reduced dosages if side effects (and bloods) indicate a need to reduce. Best to consult the Oncologist and the specialist nurse as you go along, especially if you develop any significant side effects. After a CT scan at 6th chemo cycle I could stop chemo as the scan was clear, and my 24/7 cold feet seemed to be getting worse. It is 4 weeks since I stopped chemo and will have another CT scan in 2 or 3 months time. 

    As I understand, these days many bowel cancer patients can tolerate the normal dosages reasonably well through their complete chemotherapy course but possibly cancer stage and the type of surgery are also factors in the equation. All the best and stay positive and as active as possible.