Scanxiety -- Hang in There!

  • 11 replies
  • 129 subscribers

Hi All 

I just wanted to pop on here and say that if you find yourself, as I do, right now waiting for scan results, Hang in there! This cancer journey is not only physical, it really does come with heaps of emotional stress. I will find out results from CT scan tomorrow, as was a bit anaemic on last blood tests and on Monday, results from breast biopsy. Grateful to the NHS who seem to be working at full speed and for doctors not fobbing anything off! 

Take time to breathe and try to relax if you find yourself stressed. There is a time to have a good cry too, as I did yesterday, but always try to pick yourself back up again and keep going.  Best wishes to you all. Enjoy the sunshine out there this weekend. 

  • Brilliant post . My mum has just been discharged after twelve years in oncology with over 35 scans . I shall not miss any aspect of them ! 
    However they served a purpose and literally saved her life on a few occasions. But you are so correct about the emotional aspects .

    I hope your scans bring good news . I will be thinking of you !


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember

    Hi just wanted to update and say that after 2 weeks of scanxiety, my CT scan was clear and my breast biopsy all clear too. It was a tiny bump they investigated as it got me all paranoid. I can relax for a while now and continue to try to stay positive! Best wishes to all out there

  • Fantastic news  x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Another Yippee Raised hands.

    Good news and a big relief !

    Enjoy !


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I'm from the anal cancer site but haven't had much response to my being emotionally not myself for my impending CT and MRI scans next week. I Also have a scan for a cyst on my ovary a few days later! I can't settle and want to run for the hills, which is laughable considering my pelvis has been zapped to hell and I walk through invisible treacle now! I do have an appointment with a hypnotherapist on the 15th of July who sounds promising but I'm not coping with the worry of next week. Over the last week I've drank every day and can't stop crying. X



    Even as a carer I used to feel the anxiety mount the week before a scan . Anxiety over these matters is very real . A young girl with cancer posted on the forum years ago that she would give herself permission to think about it for a certain amount of time each day but tried to limit it to that period of time . She also only let herself start worrying about it so many days before her scan ! I thought for someone so young she had a big dose of wisdom and to some extent it worked . I have included a link to Macmillan’s info on anxiety. 

    I am sorry you have had a tough build up to this set of scans . However we are definitely here to listen and support you through this . Have you thought about letting your Gp know how you are feeling?

    Hope tonight is a bit easier on you and your scans bring some good news .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Basically, the scans are to tell me; has it gone and has it spread! My recent examination from my Oncologist was that there was still something there (painful) could be scar tissue or residual cancer! If it's still there the least of my worries is a colonoscopy bag and I know that I can't cope with that!! I'll be off 

  • Hi 

    Thats a lot to process emotionally .  Is it the thought of a colostomy that is overwhelming you ? Would it help to speak to some people who have experience or is it too much to think about ? 
    Our helpline staff would also be happy to chat this through with you 0808 808 0000. 
    I could also ask admin if they have any support that might be useful for you ?

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I definitely know that the colostomy bag is a big issue for me as I just can't get my head around it. Also I just feel alone with all of these negative thoughts in my head. I have no one I can talk to in case I upset them and then even here I worry that talking about scary negativity isn't what people want to hear. I always say out loud 'I want to run away' I can't even bloody walk properly that's Radiotherapy for you! I won't post again, nobody wants to listen to a for phoning MacMillan when I was at my worst..ring..ring

  • You are more than welcome to keep it real here on this forum . Many people have struggled with the thought of a colostomy and we certainly don’t judge that . Many people have wrestled with the very same issues and don’t want to be a burden . But by talking we can offer support and understanding. Sharing how you feel can reduce the isolating feelings that can build up . It’s why we are here . So please , please feel free to keep posting .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000