Stent in the Liver

  • 9 replies
  • 125 subscribers

Has anyone ever had a stent put in their liver due to a blockage? My husband was admitted last night with a blockage in the liver (he has stage 4 bowel cancer that has spread to the liver). We were expecting it as his liver levels were rocketing and the consultant told us it would happen. The plan is that they will put in a stent to clear the blockage (which is caused by a growth in the tumour). Would be very interested to hear from anyone else who has had this done.

  • Hi 

    Just thinking about your husband and hoping he is safely through the procedure.


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court

    Thank you for your message .  We are having an absolute nightmare with the local NHS hospital.  Although he has been in since Saturday he still hasn't had either an MRI or his operation and we have no idea when he will have either.  He keeps seeing different doctors who tell him different things.  Yesterday he saw the Gastrologist who will do the Op and his Oncologist who said that they were going to review his ultrasound from Friday and do the op without an MRI.  Today he has seen completely different doctors (who walked off when he tried to ask them questions!) who are now saying he needs to be booked in for an MRI.  It's so frustrating.  The care he has been getting has been poor to say the least.  The food is completely inedible and he now hasn't eaten for 3 days because his condition is worsening.  It's absolutely heartbreaking.  I am trying to contact everyone I can today (Macmillan being one of them who were really helpful) but not getting very far at the moment - hopefully someone will get back to me today with some answers.  Sorry if this is a bit of a rant - it's just so frustrating!

  • So sorry to hear that . That sounds very unsatisfactory for sure . Could PALS help you push this forward ?

    So , so hard for you to not be able to see him getting the right care . I can’t believe they walked off whilst he was asking questions . That is so very rude at the most basic of levels . How very disrespectful. 

    Hope you can get it moving for him and get him home for some love and care . I really thought he would be further along than this and he has been through so much .

    We are here to listen . Please do feel free to come here to let us know how it is . It’s not a rant in my book . It’s so hard for you .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court

    Thank you .  He has finally had a CT scan yesterday (still couldn't get the MRI that he apparently needed).  They are going to put in a drain into his liver - was supposed to be today, now it's sometime early next week.  The worse thing is that it sounds like the blockage is worse than they thought and they can't put in a stent.  There's an MDT meeting this afternoon so we will get more news after that.  I can't tell you how worried I am because I have a feeling it's not going to be good news.  Just have to keep hoping and praying x

  • Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi ,

    The drain can bring it right out the body whilst the stent just keeps it open . 
    Might be a surgical preference to get a better outcome long term or determined by the tumour location but it may be better in the end .

    I can totally understand your concern and upset and I think not being able to get right in and get the assurances from staff if creating a lot of additional narratives that difficult to interpret

    . They are going ahead with it and he will feel so much better after it .

    You too are having such a difficult time enduring all this . We are here for you at any time you need us .

    take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to court

    Thanks - it's the constant delays and waiting that makes it worse!  I'll keep youupdated. x