How are we all doing ?

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  • 149 subscribers

Just checking to see if we are all finding our way around the site . 
I have been through a few platform changes over the years here and it always takes me time to adjust .

Hope you are all ok and keeping well .


  • I too have done various 5km walks for my local hospice, and this year was entered in the race for life. However with my shortness of breath, there is no way I can do 5km for 10 days!! Would they accept 2km per day? And that will be a struggle, but happy to try.

  • I find it hard now walking certain distances due to suffering from back ache n cramp pain. When I joined this group I signed up to donate monthly to the charity which makes me feel like  I am doing my bit. Xx

  • It came up on my Instagram account and now I can’t find it . It was 5 k every day for seven days ! I will need to do a bigger search . There is a lot of charity walks just now . I guess it’s the onlGrinway to raise cash in the pandemic !! I got the impression you can do it whenever you likeGrin. But I only glanced at it to be honest .

    I totally agree with you . I think the wee break will give her such a lift . 

    Take care ,


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    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Will have a look online and find out more then. I like how you said your mum will enjoy her wee break I grew up in Glasgow and moved away 26 years ago but miss it lots. 

    Christine xx

  • Dear John

    Yep know the PSA saga , I'm stuck on that merry go round too; my PSA seems all over the place, anything from an initial 6.1 to 49.  I think I've had a prostatectomy via biopsy, three so far.  I have to say colonoscopies for me seem abit of a breeze compared to a transrectal prostate biopsy, the transperineals were under GA.  The last test was 11.6, two weeks ago so it's wait for another month, repeat and if it isn't down it's off to the urologist,  again.  

    The nights are beginning to draw in slightly so I presume the reverse is true for you and spring is on it's way; hope you have a good summer.

    YNWA (Hoping FSG back Jurgen with funds)


  • Hello Mike. My main problem seems to be in my mind. My PSA has dropped in the three tests since rt, 3.1 to 2.9 to 2.7 which I'm assured is ok. The next one is earlyish Seprember but it's already making me anxious. Even if it bounces, I've been told that's ok too. I'll have to live with it. Yes, there are signs of Spring. Daffodils are going to flower soon which is always a welcome sign. I don't think we had a Winter. No snow and very few frosts. Good luck for your next test. You seem to be coping well with the uncertainty. WFTC. (I made that up. Wombles For the Championship!) Yeah right, as we say. P.S. I've had two colonoscopies and they were no trouble. But a lot of my bowel was missing so I guess that made it easier. Fascinating to watch it on the screen. 

  • Morning John

    You're obviously far stronger stomached than me, I look anywhere but the screen.  Wow you're PSA is low, 4 is the figure before they're remotely interested.   So, you've had no winter, we seem to have had no summer, long grey days punctuated by the occasional day of genuine heat 30°+, we did however have a stunning spring which I feel contributed to the succesd of the initial lockdown.                                                       YNWA (Interesting transfer rumours!!)


  • Hi

    Well I haven’t visited for a while so it didn’t work immediately, changed password, left it overnight and it sorted its self out. 

    Now sure how I am at the moment, it usually takes me a few days to get over yet more bad news but hopefully I’ll get there.

    It was lovely that the first name I saw was yours Court.


  • Yippee a fellow Glaswegian !  I live just outside the city now and rarely go in as I am not a big city person however I had a bit of business to attend to and I saw a big difference. Not sure if it was due to the pandemic but it was really dirty . Such a shame . Hope it picks up . It’s not till I come on here I realise I use “ Wee” a lot . It am totally unaware of it on a day to day bases. Now if you were in Glasgow we would have gotten the kettle on and thrashed our the chemo planning over a nice wee cup of tea ! 
    One thing I would say Glasgow’s health care is doing very well during the pandemic . The cancer unit is a stand alone unit which has helped and right through the worst of it they were able to do a limited amount of cancer surgery . They have also started tackling all the backlog of urgent work and completed most and started some screening again . We are finding our feet . So surprised Aberdeen went into lockdown as they had hardly any cases but I was up in the North East coast and whilst the shops were doing everything really well the people were coming right up to me compared to Glasgow! 
    Even in the city centre here when just walking up the street a lot of young people had their masks on !

    Hope your having a good day !


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    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hey 

    You have arrived on the new platform. Welcome and glad you worked it out . 
    Good to have you safely here.

    Hope your doing ok . Sorry to hear you have had some bad news . You are so right it knocks you off then you start to find a little solid ground to start finding a way forward . You know we are here for you ! Hope whatever it is they are working on a good plan . It used to knock me sideways as my mum would hit another bump along the way . Then onwards to another treatment plan . 

    Sending you all our strength and love and great to see your name pop up too.

    Take care ,


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    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000