How are we all doing ?

  • 287 replies
  • 144 subscribers

Just checking to see if we are all finding our way around the site . 
I have been through a few platform changes over the years here and it always takes me time to adjust .

Hope you are all ok and keeping well .


  • I seem to have made it! New password though. We shall see ...

  • Good to see you ! I have a new password too! Yikes , will I remember it !!

    Hope your well !

    If anyone has any questions we can try and work it out together.

    Take care and great to see you still have your photo 

    I need some constants in the world just now .

    Take care,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • PS I think the “like” button will be winging its way back soon . I think it’s just one like per page just now .

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Lol. I logged in with my old password and logged in ok. Then it said that I hadn't joined any groups yet (?) so I found this one again and clicked join this group. It asked me to log in again so this time I used my new password. I wrote it down! And here I am again. Funny though, I saw my previous post done three hours ago when I logged in with the old password but ....... I'm sure you can understand! Oh, they locked me out for an hour because I tried the 'wrong' password too many times. 

    I'm too tired to go on. I'll not log out this time and see what happens in the morning. Yes, I'm well, starting to worry about a blood test in 7 weeks, PSA this time. But that's me! 

  • So far it seems very difficult to navigate. What screens are everyone using? As in phone, tablet, computer?

  • Hi ,

    It is a bit tricky getting used to a new platform . I am like this every time it upgrades .

    I am on my phone . What about you ? More importantly how are you ?


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I cannot find the lists of threads, nor recent transactions of the site, is it just by group now, so we cannot eavesdrop on other groups without joining? Covid brain is stopping me making sense of it. Shame as I did rely on the site for some support.

    I have no idea where I have got to without the threads! B12 bloods came back clear, I think the GPs  just think its anxiety despite finding a crackly chest on the only time I saw someone whilst ill at the beginning. Treated myself to a finger oxymeter. Monitored 2 walks so far, the second took photos to prove low oxygen levels. Starts at about 50m walk  78 to 80% then goes up to 94% after about a km. Normal is about 95/96%. So there is a problem somewhere but GP's can't do anything else (quote). Impasse.

    Not sure what to do, where to go, whether shielding will be lifted, or quite what is going on. Very tempted to write off all medics, as they do stress me, not being believed doesn't help. Seems only me can get me through this, but it will be hard, I am an engineer not a medic.

  • Hi 

    If you go to the home page after login and scroll to the bottom it gives your feed and underneath that it gives the latest post I think . It is on the home page right under Groups , blogs , ask an expert .

    It is taking me a bit of adjusting too! 

    That’s odd about your oxygen saturation levels on exercise. I have one on my Fitbit so will give it a go after some exercise and see what happens . Would you be better discussing this with your oncologist. My mum has very low platelets and they were going to refer her for further input .

    Might be worth a chat . I don’t think it’s fair to say it’s anxiety when it’s showing up after exercise. 

    Shielding lifts here tomorrow but and they return to work in the NHS as of Monday . Big change but we are all watching the numbers closely. A bit of a blip in Europe .

    Big thunder storm here .

    take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Here's my method. Go to site (easy,) click log in. It shows correct email and dots for password. Click log in but incorrect details. Use old password and get in ok. Click online community. Oops, I haven't joined any groups yet. Oh yes I have! Find this group and click join. Re-enter email and use new password this time. And it now shows the groups I've joined so 'that's  the way to do it!' For now anyway. 

    I know I posted this routine yesterday, but I'm trying to be more concise this time. I actually emailed the site and got a reply telling me to do different things, but I'm too scared to as I tend to mess things up completely. So the above will do. I use an old iPad which will be replaced very soon. I'll see what happens then. 

  • I am flagging the issues up with the admin team so will pass both points along . The techies will get to work on them so it’s worth letting them know , hopefully they can resolve them . I will go and add both points now .

    Glad your trying still though . We need you guys here .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000