Colonoscopy without sedation.

  • 13 replies
  • 132 subscribers


I am due my first Colonoscopy in 10 days...following a left Hemicolectomy resection in my descending Colon in May this year.

I had my first one last April, with intravenous sedation..but because of the stricture in my Colon, they couldn't advance further than the tumour...hence my diagnosis at that time...& so my surgeon now wants to investigate the whole length. I just remember him giving the diagnosis after the procedure, & just saying 'okay.' I guess the sedation had taken the edge off it all & I was too stupified to take in the information at that time.

It sounds very stupid, but I think I was more frightened of the Colonoscopy - than the actual operation!

This time, I am hoping to drive myself there & back, & endure it...without sedation .but obviously I'm anxious about it....about my pain threshold, yet also being out of control...& possibly making a fool of myself.

Obviously, my Colon has changed somewhat - after 9" were removed. My weird sense of humour allows me to think that surely there will be less colon to manoeuvre through?!

Yet also, because I sometimes experience dull aches in the region...maybe I have adhesions, & perhaps these might be more painful to navigate?!

Just asking if anyone has had a Colonoscopy without sedation after Bowel resection Op.? & if so, was it manageable?

Thanks in anticipation.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to cmsteve


    Wholeheartedly have the colonoscopy in a way its a bit like having a smear test (yes I'm leaving the blokes out) it sounds really nasty but actually its nothing compared to the risk of cancer. 

    Its just that quite a few people I've met that have had a colonoscopy (cancer hot spot where I live) think sedation means fast asleep but it really depends on your reaction to midazolam in most cases some remember nothing after others like me are less affected and therefore tend to remember the experience. It hasn't stopped me, I have family history of bowel cancer, the fact that I remember the entire experience is the price to be paid for early detection

  • Good advice from D.  have it done.  Where you from D?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Stwhitm

    There is only ONE Basingstoke and that is probably all this world could cope with!
