Stoma bags

  • 10 replies
  • 126 subscribers

This is my first post and I am quite new to having a Stoma my operation being in September so I am a newbie to this but I am faring quite well at the moment.

I am quite unsure about the bags I use. They are comfortable and each one I use last me 48 hours but the thing that annoys me is that although they do have air vents in them when I make a lot of wind the wind does not dissipate through the vents and the bag balloons up. It worries me in case they just blow off which has happened once whilst I was asleep in bed. Why do these vents not work as they are supposed to. The bags I'm using are Hollister 64025. I had a chat to someone at Hollister and she sent me some others but they are uncomfortable so I have gone back to my original ones.

Any advice would be very grateful.

  • FormerMember

    Hi and welcome to the online community.

    I fully understand your problem with the filter not allowing your wind to escape, this could be because the filter has been contaminated with your output.

    There are many other bags you could try with a convex barrier ring from different manufacturers such as Salts, Dansac, Coloplast or Convatec all come with soft covers.

    I understand you have an ileostomy which means you are using a drainable pouch, you can release any build up of wind by briefly opening up the tail opening in between emptying sequences. This can be done discreetly anyway you don't have to visit a toilet.

    Can you confirm that you are the UK and I can you links to other manufacturers who will send you samples of their pouches.

    You could also try and change the size of your pouch from a midi to a maximum size.

    Also try changing your bag every 24 hours to see if that would make a difference.

    But maybe we should be looking also at the cause of your wind which could be down to some of the foods your are eating, your probably have had it explained that some foodstuffs cause wind and you should identify what foods make the wind worse by keeping a food diary and recording the effects you find.

    If you could confirm the full description of the pouches you are using (I can't find 64025 in the UK catalogue) and I will try and help you find an alternative pouch.

    I am willing to work with you to help solve this problem and if you could keep in touch that would be great.


    Action points

    1. Establish cause of wind by keeping a food diary.
    2. Releasing the gas build up from your pouch throughout the day.
    3. Empty your pouch more often.
    4. Try a different manufacturers pouch.
    5. Try a larger pouch capacity.7
    6. Try not to eat too late at night maybe consider changing your eating patterns so that you only have a small meal at about 5pm and nothing afterwards.
    7. Empty your pouch before going to bed.
    8. Consider changing to a 2 piece pouch, which would make it easier to release any gas build up.
    9. Avoid drinking fizzy drinks including beer and lager.
    10. Don't drink during a meal.
  • I use Salt pouches and they let the wind out although the filter can get clogged if you don’t change them regularly. 48 hours is pushing it. The code on mine is BD 1375 ST. 13 is the size of the hole they cut and you can go up to 75mm with these. Also come as BDL which has more capacity. ST is stone colour - can get B for black. I use “bananas” to reduce the risk of leaks, and a Pelican girdle at night to contain any that occur. Hope that helps. 

    Every blessing
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Bodach.....Thank you for your reply.

    My apologies for not getting back to you but last week we had a problem with some fish we bought from Morrison's it must have been contaminated as both my wife and I came down with sickness for three days and neither of us felt like doing anything at the time then catch up time for the presents for the kids and all that involves so time just went out of the window.

    I am now changing my bag every day and find it better as I suppose when the bag gets filled with wind as mine does at night it must put pressure on the adhesive which attaches it to the skin so is more prone to detach easier. I'm finding ways to manage my bag in many different ways such as emptying before going out and other main times so its all a learning curve. My main problem now is that as I play a Ukulele, a baritone one at that which is rather large, I'm finding that my bag gets in the way most times but I shall get over that by playing a smaller one.. !

    I have been keeping a food diary but have not yet found the one thing that causes excess wind. Been okay for the past couple of days as I have not been having that trouble which is a help. 

    So Bodach I shall keep reading your advice also keep in touch with the my many questions as they come to mind. Thank you


  • Glad you’re making progress and sorry about the fish. You might find a use for those plastic trays that some soft fruit is sold in. They fit over the stoma and protect it from bashes and clothing. Perhaps a ukulele as well...  Happy Days. Wellspring. 

    Every blessing
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well I have been taking my food input each day and I find that onions and peas seem to make my bag fill with wind so I have stopped eating these. I have also been having severe stomach pains after breakfast and have got that down to eating porridge with a banana cut up in it was the culprit so I don't have these two items together now. Being new to all this it gets very interesting trying these things to alter my intake of food to help me to control my Stoma and bag.

    You mentioned different suppliers of Stoma bags. My Stoma nurse has always had me on Hollister bags and I have only tried two types their model 54025 ( I think I gave you the wrong number before) and the NovaLife Dansac bag . I think I prefer the convex type as opposed to the flat to the skin type. My Stoma nurse is not coming to visit me so often now and I was wondering if I might try some of the other bags on the market. I get my supplies delivered by Hollister once a month and do not have to go through my doctors surgery to get them as Hollister phone me when they think I'm running out but I guess you would know about all this.

    I'm struggling on my way with this new way of life but I'm managing but now I have found I have two cancers on my Liver which the local hospital are going to manage try to eradicate for me. Hey Ho, at least I am still alive and kicking....!!

    Thanks for being here and I'll keep in touch.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, many thanks for your update which is very useful to have.

    I have now identified your pouch as being Hollister Moderma Flex CeraPlus Soft Convex ref 54025 midi size with a pre cut hole of 25mm

    The next size up would be Hollister Moderma Flex CeraPlus Soft Convex ref 54125 maxi size with a pre cut hole of 25mm. This pouch would take more of your output, but you will still have to empty at about ⅓ full.

    Letting your pouch overfill can be one reason why the filters don't dispel wind as they get clogged with your output.

    I am wondering why you are using a convex pouch, is it because of the size or the condition of the skin around it.

    As you are using a convex pouch already which your stoma care nurse has prescribed you should have no trouble getting convex pouch samples from other manufacturers to try out. I should mention that any samples you receive will probably not be pre cut and you will have to cut out the hole to size.

    Hollister, like all supply companies, supply all products from the different companies without any problem which means if you want to switch to a pouch from a different manufacturer you should see no difference in your ordering procedure.

    You should be aware that it is your right to have your supplies supplied by anyone you want and all dispensing appliance contractors will liaise with your GP monthly to arrange for your prescriptions to be issued.

    You can also go back to your stoma care nurse at anytime if you have a problem plus you should have your stoma and surrounding skin examined yearly.

    It is always a good idea to start a food diary and record all the effects food eaten has on you, and you have identified that onions and peas make your bag fill with wind and a combination of porridge and bananas at breakfast gives you stomach pains, by experimenting gives a good indication on foods to avoid however things are never what they seem and when you next try to include a food item into your diet you may not experience the same problem it is all trial and error for example the stomach pains after eating a banana maybe simply that it needs to be ripe likewise your wind with peas and onions maybe down to how you eat and what else you are having with them even to the extent that if you talk and drink (especially fizzy drinks) whilst you are eating can also cause a build up of wind in your pouch.

    Just like to touch on your bass ukulele playing my only suggestions would be to empty your bag before going on stage and between sets. If you were to wear an ostomy belt that might help to cushion the ukulele from your pouch and keep it a bit flatter.

    The following are links for the email addresses for the major pouch manufacturers who will send you samples of their pouches. The way I do it is to prepare 1 email and Bcc it to each address 

    All you need to say is that you are currently using Hollister Moderma Flex CeraPlus Soft Convex ref 54125 maxi size drainable with a pre cut hole of 25mm and would like to try some of your pouches. I had my ileostomy fitted in (date).

    Just give your name and address details and your mobile phone number. Coloplastcharter and Convatec might phone you for more information (really they want to be your supplier but just play along with them and they will send you samples)

    There are a few more manufacturers but these are the major suppliers and the most popular.

    Please keep in touch with me and let me know how you are getting on.


    By clicking on any of the green text will open up new pages for you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ian

    Thanks for your most welcome and informative email.

    As soon as I need more supplies I will try those sites you have suggested to me.

    I'm having a pre-assessment on Tuesday before I have a Transarterial Chemoembolisation procedure on my Liver lesions on 17th February. Not had Chemo before and I'm not really looking forward to it. Got a couple of friends who have had Chemo and they both suffered quite a bit but both of them had different type of cancer. Anyway better to suffer a little than suffer a lot.!

    We must keep our chin up and look on the bright side. I don't worry so long as I wake up tomorrow.!

    Thanks again 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Les

    Good luck at your pre assessment on Tuesday.

    As part of our breast cancer group we have a Monthly Chemo club where members can ask questions about their treatment.

    The very supportive members of the breast group welcome everyone going through chemo to join them and offer tremendous support to all no matter the reason and type of chemo being received.

    You'll be very welcome to pop into the club, a new thread will be opened up on the 1st February if you have any questions.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ian.....

    I have been in touch with the six companies for samples and had answers from 3 of them Salts, Welland Medical and Pelican Healthcare. Had phone call from Pelican which was quite informative and they are going to send me another type of Stoma bag as I told them I was not impressed with the type they sent me. Now I am waiting for the other 3 to get in touch but it was good to get some different type of bags. Thanks for putting me on to them.

    Will chat again after the procedure on Monday.

    Regards .... Les

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ian .... After try out many of the bag samples and sprays I had sent me I did not find any of them which was better than the bags I am using now my Hollister 54025 and my Stoma nurse told me that I will not need to use the Barrier Cream that they sent me so I'm back to normal but thank you for giving me all those addresses.

    Keep your distance at all times... 6 foot away is better than 6 foot down...!!

    Regards Les