Sciatica pain before diagnosis

  • 14 replies
  • 131 subscribers

hi there

I wonder if any one can help?

Did anyone have sciatic type pain in their hip, back, leg and feet prior to diagnosis?

Did you also have headaches that would just not go away ?

I’m a stage 3 thyroid cancer survivor, and have been having these sciatic type pains for about 4months now and it’s looking like a problem with my colon now.

i know the colonoscopy is the test to have and I’m having it soon.

any experience and info greatly appreciated 

none of us should have to deal with this horrible disease

  • Hi Bunnyboy

    thanks  so much for the reply.

    Can I ask , what they use to diagnose it? Also what’s your staging and treatment? Did your sciatic pain go down to the soles of your feet? I have a sharp stabbing pain there and my toes feel painful.

    I've developed a cough I just can’t seem to get rid of now.

    GP is no help at all.

    sorry for all the questions but I’m desperate.

    i hope your doing well anyway, it’s a horrible disease in all it’s form isn’t it.

    Take care  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to stephenhat

    Hello Stephenhat, 

    they used a CT scan to diagnose my cancer, the sciatica later turned out to be diabetic neuropathy 

  • Hi again and thanks for the quick reply,

    sorry to keep asking, but was it a standard CT scan, I’ve had a ct scan abdomen and pelvis with contrast twice both clear, or was it a ct colonoscopy ?  

  • Hi Stephen, I experienced very painful sciatica as a result of rectal cancer. I had already been diagnosed and started treatment for it (chemo/radiotherapy). In the months between the completion of the radiotherapy and waiting for surgery I started to experience sciatica to the extent that I often needed to be pushed around in a wheel chair on trips out as it was so excruciatingly painful to walk.

    I woke up after my surgery that removed the tumour virtually pain free from sciatica. It was such a relief. Basically the tumour must have put pressure on my sciatic nerves. Once it was removed the pressure went and it all returned by to normal. 

    I pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday
    Then I get on my knees and pray I don't get cancer again.