Sitting Down after APR operation

  • 11 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi Everyone.  A quick question for anyone who has undergone this type of surgery resulting in permanent colostomy.  I had surgery just over 3 weeks ago and feel I am recovering well. Can I just ask how long it took for people to sit down comfortably? I am ok on a recliner chair but struggle sitting comfortably anywhere  else.  Thanks in advance x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tina,

    Good news to hear you are recovering well! It took me several months before I could sit comfortably - but however long it takes you, you will one day be able to sit as you did before!

    Linda :-)

  • Hi, I think you’re doing brilliantly. Recliner chair sounds brilliant. I was given a Ro Ho cushion which caused more problems for me so I stopped using it. I’m only just starting to sit 9 weeks post op which was slightly different to yours as you can see from my profile. Keep it going.  Xx

  • FormerMember

    I was given a valley cushion to sit which helped. I had it on loan for two months but by the end of those two months I was sitting on a normal cushion. I gradually built up the time I was sat, and gradually made myself sit more straight rather than to one sit. Four months post op I went on holiday and I was definitely sitting properly then. 

    Its the most frustrating thing ever but it really is just one day at a time. Hope you’re feeling well otherwise x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks everyone.  That’s what I needed to hear.  That one day I will be sitting normally again.  Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply.  I am feeling pretty good other than discomfort down below.  I appreciate you all getting back to me @Jmas and Loopylou2007.  Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry that should have been @loobylou2007 xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    2207.  Sorry again Grinning

  • No probs, keep us posted. Take it slowly...xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tina,

    It has taken me 3 months to be able to sit down following the surgery ( TPE in my case ... think APR on steroids!)

    A valley cushion helped and yes I recliner chair was an absolute godsend. Still tender down there but starting to feel more comfortable now. Try not to sit for too long each day upright as I found it set me back bit afterwards. It takes time!


  • Hi Tina, it's very gradual, took me maybe 2 months before I was able to start to sit. Then it's a gradual fade of the discomfort. I am 9 months post-op sat at my desk working. If I sit for an hour or two when I get up from my chair it's a little uncomfortable, I wouldn't call it pain though. I have an open perineum wound (stitches were removable (not dissolvable) due to the radio affecting my skin) so I am still healing too. So if your wound is healed things may be slightly different.

    It's when you realise the phrase "time is a great healer" is true. Goes for both physical and mental healing.

    Fast forward a few months and you'll be seeing life return to this new normal that everyone refers to. It's good.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gonnahavemestomafun

    Thanks for the replies.  Wound has opened up slightly so have been given antibiotics.  They don’t seem unduly concerned - said this is very normal.  I think I just want to get it all over and done with and back to normality.  I am due to start mop up chemo next week for 3 cycles but thus may need to be delayed for a week or two until wound has healed a bit more.  I keep thinking ahead, like you say, visualising holidays.  Just need to be patient.  Thanks everyone for your support and advice. Xx. Ps sorry to hear @gonnahavemestomafun that your wound is still open.  That is a long time.  Hopefully on the mend. X