Results of Colonoscopy

  • 31 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Hi, a newbie here, have just had a colonoscopy 2 days ago & the results were  not what I was expecting ... seems I have a malignancy in my sigmoid colon , several biopsies were taken at the time so I guess it's a waiting game for results, a C.T. scan etc; etc;  I will be treated at Lincoln County Hospital.

I am a bit shell shocked at the moment & when being seen with results after colonoscopy felt as if she was talking to someone else not me. It's a good job my husband was sat with me to ask some questions , still having a job taking it in.....

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gemcollector,

    I had a sigmoid tumour diagnosed by a colonoscopy on December 7th last year. Mind you I am 77 and a bit so the shock wasn't so bad as I've had a real good run. My consultant sat me down and told me all the likely outcomes...I jokingly told him I wasn't going for any of the worst scenarios and kept a very positive, optimistic outlook. That attitude really helped me...I am absolutely sure of that.

    He said the tumour was between 6-8cm but the CT scan seemed to show it hadn't grown through the bowel wall and it had not spread to the major organs but to be on the safe side he said he would take the whole thing out plus the lymph nodes around it.

    I went in to Peterborough City Hospital on 12th February to be "emptied" and had the operation by keyhole surgery at about 9.30 the following morning.

    My attitude was," If I make it through this then it's a win-win...if I don't then I won't know anything about it anyway...". After 5 and a half hours I was awake with some of the most amazing nurses looking after me in Critical Care Unit. Then I was moved to the general ward and all my optimism seemed to justify itself. I am up and about doing all my gardening work...I have a two-acre garden...and I drive and live with no pain at all now. I will have to go back for 6 monthly CT scans but all is well. I wrote to the wards who looked after me, my consultant and their CEO to thank them for their miracle.

    I am sorry if I have gone on at length in my reply but it was just to show that the first shock does not necessarily mean the world is going to end for one.

    I really hope you have an outcome as successful as mine (maybe you will go through a different journey) and can look back and use this forum to encourage others who are as fearful as you sadly were initially.

    All the very best of good fortune to you in the near future and rest assured we are thinking of you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Excellent and positive story... did you also have Chemotherapy?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for your reply Brizh , much appreciated. 

    I am having my PET scan on 27th so will hopefully get my re- section ( also by keyhole ) early/mid May if scan doesn't find anything too worrying.

     If someone 19 yrs my senior can feel so well after the op then there's every hope for me & sharing your story has really helped me be more positive. 

    Wishing you all the very best & thanks again , K x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    No regarding the chemotherapy. After my discharge from Peterborough City Hospital my consultant personally telephoned me to tell me that, whilst the post-op biopsy showed positive cancer, there had been no spread to the surrounding lymph nodes and he told me that he would see me in three weeks to check on me. The registrar also personally phoned me to tell me the same results- I felt like royalty!

    On my later consultation my consultant surgeon was rosy-cheekily optimistic about my success and said "Don't come back here again...hahahaha!" As I said I now await my CT scan later.

    Keep your spirits and hope up.

  • FormerMember


    I was in the same position as you exactly 2 years ago but am now fit and well again . The worst bit is waiting for all the test results but before you know it your treatment will begin and that's the first step to getting better. There is loads of support out there for you - this chat , your medical team , the Macmillan nurses are amazing too. My advice is just think in terms of one step at a time and take one day at a time doing whatever feels right for you . Hugs to you Sarah xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for this. I've just had my diagnosis. This made me cry, but made me laugh just as much.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Glad all is looking well for you now Sarah , am trying to think positively. K x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hope all goes well / speedily with your treatment Neil x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Was called in to chest clinic last wk & unfortunately consultant seemed pretty convinced that the problem the C T picked up was numerous secondaries in both lungs app 6 -8mm, not what I wanted to hear. The P E T scan I have in Nottingham on Thursday will no doubt confirm this.

    Looking at this & CR U K sites it would appear that this is incurable..... l am already thinking in terms of Quality of life over Quantity....& madly filling charity bags to save hubby the bother !!!! 

  • Hi Karen

    Sorry to hear about the results of your scan but please remember that this is Bowel Cancer that has spread to your lungs not lung cancer - it may sound silly but there is a difference. I can't comment as to whether it is incurable but it is treatable. There are lots of people on the Beating Bowel Cancer Forum Board who have had successful chemo which has shrunk the tumours. If you type 'lung mets' into the search field you will see some of the threads or even start your own - they're also a friendly bunch

    Will be thinking of you on Thursday

    Karen x

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