Nerve pain

  • 3 replies
  • 115 subscribers

My cancer has spread to my pelvis and lungs. The tumour on my pelvis causes nerve issues on my right leg. The pain is the pain issue though.

Currently on pregabalin, tramadol which helps a little.

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar issue and what they did to help it? 



  • Hello Eddie

    I am sorry to hear that you are having pain from your cancer. 

    I have neuropathy (nerve pain) as a result of treatment for my own cancer. From my experience it can take a bit of trial and error to find something that will help. I was prescribed amitriptyline and it may be worth asking if that would be an option for you. I also find that sometimes alternating hot and cold packs can help. Sometimes also it can be about the position that I am sitting in. I find if I sit with my legs up with a cushion under my knees it can help. 

    The main thing is to keep your doctors informed as there are plenty of things they can try and if one thing doesn't work then it may be the case that they need to add something else in. 

    Do give the Support Line a call if it would help to talk through other possible things that you could try. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi  -I cannot help with advice on pain meds, but just want to put a virtual arm around your shoulder and wish you all the best. The advice from Jane looks excellent , so good luck improving your pain levels.

  • I am taking Gabapentin for chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy. It does seem to help.

    I've been doing some exercises recommended by another person on this board and those also seem to be helping a little. Search for posts on CIPN either by those initials or maybe just neuropathy would work. 

    I've been told that nerve damage will sometimes heal but it will take a long time. Keeping pushing until you find something that works for you.