Hi all, I'm starting 4 cycles of capox soon and I'm absolutely terrified, I think its more 'the unknown'.
I've just finished 5 weeks Chemoradiotherapy which I found pretty easy to be fair, I know IV capox will be completely different.
I've read conflicting things about ice packs and heat pads. I'll be having iv through my hand. Can someone help please with what to use Ice packs for and when, same for heat pads.
Also do I get a choice of hand IV, picc line or portacath? I've automatically been told cannula in my hand. Which is best?
Hi Bob
I am halfway through 4 cycles of CAPOX. Let me tell you, there is no need to be terrified.
They will start with a cannula in one of your hands or wrists , so long as the vein is ok. That's easiest , as you feel nothing as the infusion goes in and the whole gubbins is removed at the end leaving a slight bruise. At the end of the infusion, your arm ill feel a bit tingly and sore.They provide a blanket to rest over the arm, you can use a heatpad if you wish. When you leave, you need to be aware of peripheral neuropathy -if you touch anything remotely cold, you will know about it!!! I wear gloves for 2 or 3 days after an infusion, as I get it quite badly.
At home, you will have a whole bundle of pills to take -follow the schedule carefully. The neuropathy should diminish over a few days. I had no nausea or diarrhea but they provide pills to counter that. It's defending against cold, that is a bit of a pain.
Do not be afraid-it's all very'do-able' -think of it as a new section of US Cavalry arriving to batter the cancer !
Hi Bobblett I had my first capox infusion today. Like you I was terrified and actually wept in the chair! Nurses are wonderful. Please don't worry. I had steroids and anti sickness meds, then the infusion all via a cannula in my hand. My arm is sore but totally bearable.
Had first 3 tablets, lots more of those to come! Been sent home with Loperamide in case of diarrhea and anti sickness meds.
As Nevermind said the cold thing is weird and I suspect may get worse. I miss gulping cold water! And am a bit worried about going out in the cold. Nevermind have you had throat spasms?
When I feel overwhelmed I just think these drugs are my friend getting shot of any rogue cells who may be thinking of finding a new residence.
Loads of advice and experience here and the chemo nurses are amazing xx
I'm so happy to hear of bearable do-able experiences. I'm in not so sunny Wales & we're coming into some freezing temperatures. I'm thinking if I take my time ,prepare, wrap up properly with warm drinks on hand then I can cope with the cold. My nurses keep telling me if I get the throat spasms, not to panick.
Exactly what my nurse said, breathe through your nose. I wrapped up and was fine. One tip is I have a small insulated flask that I fill with herbal tea, hot water, warm juice, then it's good to sip for hours. Was nice to have for the car journey home. I am in the not so balmy Pennines!
I have had a good sleep which always helps. Just feel like am a bit hungover. X
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