Recent ULAR and Ileostomy recovery niggles?

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I had an ultra low anterior resection and ileostomy on the 18th February so now 3 weeks post op. Spent 5 days in hospital, since being home have been on antibiotics for infection in drain wound and been back to GP for pain meds as discharged with advice to take paracetamol!! I am awaiting full histology to see if any follow up treatment is needed so another waiting game. My question is has anyone had a similar procedure and what was your pain or discomfort like a few weeks post operatively? I feel fine most of the day, tummy still tender but all keyhole wounds are healing well. I do have by the evening more discomfort including low back pain and this horrible pressure feeling in my bottom. The stoma is working well and although I was advised I may pass some mucus from my bottom I have not had anything just this discomfort. Wondering if this is normal, also seriously worried the surgeon is very nonchalant about the stoma being reversed, NO mention of possible long term problems LARS etc, am doing lots of my own reading as only 43 with young family and I am very worried about the prospect of a reversal leading to incontenence issues!!!   

  • Hiya

    Like you, I had an ultra low AR back on Dec 18th, so exactly 2 months before you, done robotically. I have an ileostomy too.

    I spent 10 days in hospital because my stomach went into Ileus , where it basically goes on strike and I went 8 days with no food or water Fearful In my case, although it was thought that the whole tumour had been removed, histology later found one lymph node of 13 and one vein had cancer traces so I am halfway through 4 cycles of CAPOX chemo.Beware that this quite often leads to adjuvant chemo.

    I have had nothing at all from my bottom, no mucus, nothing but this is not a worry, I am told. Like you, there seems no urgency about getting the stoma reversed though I have to say that several people I know had the reverse 'reversed' because it was so draining to have the bottom back again but without the storage of the original rectum. I would expect the surgeon to revisit the reversal idea a few months after chemo ends.

    I would say that what you describe looks pretty normal-in fact , you have raced ahead in many ways so need more healing time, I reckon. Don't worry. Blush