Extended Right Hemicolectomy / what to expect?

  • 11 replies
  • 115 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I finally had my consultant appointment today after nearly five weeks of waiting for results etc. I am happy to say the lesion on my liver doesn’t seem to concern them but they will monitor. Hopefully this will be of some comfort to others who were also worried about the cancer spreading - I had convinced myself it had. Also concerns about my kidneys - but again they can’t see anything there that looks cancerous. So I’m so relieved. I am booked in for an Extended Right Hemicolectomy next week and now petrified about this stage of my journey - anyone who has had this op and can offer any words of support? I would really appreciate it. I would also say for those waiting for results - it does feel better when you have a plan and also try and be positive. I was in a very dark place with the unknown and some things have been better news than I was expecting. Thinking of you all xx

  • I had a right hemicolectomy last April. Operation went fine they did it key hole. I was hooked up to some very strong painkillers after which worked a treat for me. I was up and walking to the toilet on day one. No stoma. It’s a bit unnerving letting your bowels wake up

    but it’s ok. Take it easy after and listen to your body. 

  • Hi,

    thank you for your reply. So glad to hear yours went well. They also said they will try and do mine keyhole. I’ve been so scared about the results and now they have said they will go straight to op - I am so thankful but also now have another phase of anxiety about this. Hope you continue to do ok xx

  • Hi great news your operation is happening. I had a right hemicolectomy in January and have recovered really well. I had a spinal block which I was nervous about but it really helped with pain after. I honestly wasn't in pain it was well managed. 

    I was up and walking the day after. Bowels took a few days to wake up but I could eat etc.

    Good luck x I start chemo tomorrow, now v anxious about that! Just try and take it as it comes, v hard I know, I don't always take my own advice!!!!!


  • Thank you  - it’s amazing to be up and about the day after! Sounds like it all went really well and it’s so reassuring to hear that. Best of luck with the chemo tomorrow - I think I will defo have that to come. Hope it goes well xx

  • Hi Ki21,

    Also booked in for extended right Hemicolectomy next week (Friday) so will be following your post. Only had positive FIT test 4 weeks ago so it’s moved very quickly. Trying to stay positive and have to thank my lucky stars it’s been found but also very nervous about the op and recovery as I am a single parent. 

  • Oh that has moved very quickly for you  . I’ll try post you and update to let you know how it went. I think I’m going to be a nervous wreck on Tuesday morning. It’s hard when you need to look after kids too - especially with no lifting and driving etc straight after x

  • Good luck for Tuesday and I hope it goes well and wish you a speedy recovery. Where are you in the UK roughly? Please do let me know how you are xx

  • Thank you! I’m in the south west - how about you? X

  • It’s all so nerve wracking isn’t it. I’m mostly feeling positive and glad they have found it but there is also lots of fear. I’m in the South East…Kent x

    They said I would likely not need a stoma which was a relief - did they say that to you too? 

  • I will be thinking of you both next week. I was so nervous but it honestly was ok. You will be really well looked after and do accept any offers of help when you get home as rest is really important.  Not easy at all when you are looking after kids x