Circulating DNA test

  • 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Anyone had the ctdna test and has it directed treatment options for you?

  • I have been given information about joining the Tracc 3 trial which uses the ctDNA test to potentially de escalate your adjuvant chemo regime, if it is negative.  Am undecided though. Have you been offered it via the trial?

  • I’ve had the ctdna test a few times first post surgery,  both were negative. After six rounds of chemo I had the test again and it came back borderline positive. So am nearing completion of another six rounds making 12 in total. 

    so now oncologist is keen for me to do the test again - but if it shows up positive again what next 

    My scans are all clear so no evidence of disease

    keen to understand if anyone else is experiencing similar to me?

  • Ah interesting.  I hadn't come across this test aside from the trial information.  I did wonder though what happened if at the end of treatment it was positive again. Really hoping you will be negative but good to hear other experiences x

  • It’s very new I’m the first patient my oncologist is using the ctdna testing with to guide treatment