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  • 111 subscribers

Hello to all

I got diagnosed late Jan after positive screening test December - colonoscopy then CT. Seen surgeon who says stage 3 not spread thankfully. Saw Oncologist today and think I am opting for a trial of chemo first then surgery then more surgery. Thats if the "computer says yes' as  apparently not everyone is chosen. Has anyone else had experience of this please?

  • This is very interesting  . I have noticed a shift in recent years to do some chemo first . This would have been traditionally for cancers that have spread but research seems to be changing the treatment protocols . Always driven my better long term survival stats so that can only be a good thing .

    My mum had a spread at diagnosis but I do attribute going straight to chemo a game changer . It was amazing to see the shrinkage she had so there is always the better surgical margins aspect of the tumour shrinks too .

    Anyway . It worked for my mum , all her cancer shrank and she lived for 15 years  after diagnosis.

    It seems to be the direction things are going in .

    take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Really interesting.  I was recently reading about Foxtrot as I work at Leeds University and some research is conducted there. I thought the current findings were v positive, with a trend towards chemo before surgery, then again after. 

    Good luck! Xx

  • Thanks for that. Helpful to hear others experiences. X

    1. Thanks. Im keeping my fingers crossed to be included now. The alternative is imminent surgery then chemo  which I cant help but feel is second best - silly to think like that I know. 
  • Hi  I had chemo after surgery back in 2016/17 as that was the norm then. The recent foxtrot trials have shown that it’s just as effective before surgery and easier on the pre-surgery patient. 
    I wouldn’t say that chemo before surgery is second best but, bearing in mind the post op issues that I had and the fact that I wasn’t fit to face chemo until over 4 months after the op, it would have been a much preferable option for me

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thanks Karen.  Hope you're staying well x

  • (I went to Leeds Uni. That’s a nice little connection!)