Operation tomorrow

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  • 113 subscribers

I'm going into hospital at 7am tomorrow for my right hemicolectomy. I've tried to keep busy this last week or so to take my mind off the operation and at the moment I'm feeling OKish, tomorrow morning will be another thing! I've had a couple of moments when I haven't coped, especially after my pre op. I felt so overwhelmed, probably as I had only just been given all the leaflets before the appointment and hadn't had a chance to read them before the pre op. I had to go to the hospital today for an IV for iron so I've had a chance to visit the ward and also met the nurse who will look after me tomorrow, she did the IV for me. I have seen my surgeon before when in hospital, I feel confident that he will do a good job, this has eased my mind a lot. I think I have everything packed that I will need there and also for when I come home to make it easier for my partner. I realised my partner is coping by doing DIY for the last week! Our kitchen will look different when I get home. I hope he's finished by then lol. I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice here and for being supportive when I first found out about my tumour. You are all special people. x

  • Hey there.  

    I had surgery in December.  I was so nervous too.  It’s normal.  I did tell everyone that I met on the morning of my surgery just how scared I was and they took great care of me.  As I’m am certain they do with everyone who walks through the doors. 

    Remember you’ll be in safe hands and they wouldn’t operate unless they know it’s going to do the job.  

    I hope you get some sleep tonight but if you don’t you know you’ll get a nice long nap tomorrow.  I love my sleep and the proms of a good sleep got me through also a sleep where my brain had no option but to switch off.  

    my tip is accept all pain relief that’s offered.  I did and I can honestly say while uncomfortable I was not in pain at all after my surgery.   

    Big hugs. Heart

  • Hi   I will be thinking of you! I had exactly that operation on Jan 27th. I am recovering well now at home. Also like you I had IV iron just before! 

    Sending positive vibes, you will be very well looked after. Hope you get some sleep tonight! Xx

  • Hi Jilly,

    Just to say that you are in my thoughts. Wishing you well tomorrow. x

  • Thinking of you. I hope your surgery went well. 

  • Hope all went well for you today xx 

  • I am recovering from the surgery this morning.  I have been sleeping on and off. No one told me to sip my water so made a bit of mess this evening.  Nurse said she expected it after finding I had knocked it back Grin 

    It was key hole which is good.  Some problems with rest of my normally bad bowel.  I can't remember what but will ask tomorrow when I am a bit more awake. Thank you for your support xx

  • Well done! Sleep well. x

  • Good luck for operation, hope everything goes well. Xx

  • Been thinking about you and hope you continue to recover well xx

  • I hope you're still doing well, I had the same operation on the 2nd February. I hope you have had plenty of rest and are moving around okay?

    Keep positive huniSmiley